Jul 03, 2006 00:12
Hee, saw Spelling Bee last night. It was pretty fabulous, went with sister and she says she likes it better than Wicked.
Favourite bits? At the end they did a here's what happened to all the people, and with the one girl with two dad's was all like And she's the secretary of something under President Barack Obama, which got a pretty fun reaction from the audience. And then, with the same girl when her dad was all, picture for her bm (birth mother), which was really only funny cause for half my childhood my mom refered to my dad as the sd (sperm donor)
Anyways, definitely recommend, specially if you can get the tickets cheap like we did ($20 a piece off of ebay), they're going pretty cheap online for the Chicago run.
Went shopping today, bought a bunch of shirts from Express since they're having a big sale. Kinda funny looking at the shirts cause it's like black, navy blue, black, dark brown, mint green! Heh, yeah, I need more colour in my wardrobe. Sad that I didn't find anything I liked at Vicotria Secrets from their sale stuff cause I could use some new bras and underwear.
Okay, so my left eye, whenever I roll it up it hurts. It really hurt last night, now it just kinda hurts, but still, that can't be a good sign. And why can't Lenscrafters just have everything online? Ugh, tried to get more contacts (although I probably shouldn't be wearing them when my eye is like that, but my glasses are lost still) and they're all you need to have your prescription faxed over from the one in Champaign, and I'm like you're the same company, why can't everything be just online. Ugh.