Show is baaaaaaaaaaack!

Apr 23, 2011 21:20

I waited to watch it on BBCA since...well I like watching things on the big TV with surround sound, it was worth dealing with commercials. Loooooved it. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE how much of a role Alex Kingston and Arthur Darvill played, don't get me wrong I love Amy and The Doctor but Rory and River getting more love thrills me. Especially since they work so well together.

It's cruel having the season opener be a two-parter though. That's just not fair, gotta ease us into those silly show.

Matt Smith's face still owns me. The clips inbetween were alternately annoying and interesting but I did like the bit were Moff was saying Smithsy played The Doctor like is brain was way ahead of his mouth.

Oh show, you make me so happy. More thoughts next week when everything comes together.

Henyway, it's Easter weekend! I'm being guilted into going to church tomorrow (it's not even real church and oh gosh I can't believe that's still how I feel even being lapsed Catholic/atheistic, but it's one of those massive evangelical churches that's more concert than mass and they put on skits and shit and idk, I just can't say no when my aunt asks because I feel rude) and then it's family fun times. Made Sour Cream Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake (OMG the texture on this thing, I can't even, I have never made a cake this moist, it's awesome. And yes I dug into it before tomorrow, I couldn't resist), carrot cake, green bean salad, proscuitto wrapped asparagus, and turkey avocado meatballs. I always go a little overboard with the holiday cooking...

I'm seriously contemplating calling up my temp agency and quitting my job/asking them to put my resume up for consideration for other jobs. The thing is...I feel like the reason I want to quit is kinda petty even though I know it isn't. So out air conditioner has been broken in the lab for forever and last summer I just went with it because it was a new job and the first one in my field and then it didn't matter because it was winter (although the heater didn't really work all that well either and I still remember the night I worked like 13 hours and it was fucking freezing and I kept hiding out in the bathroom huddled up in my coat because that was the warmest place in the whole place) but yeah, summer is coming up again and our maintenance guy managed to fic the aircon...for two days. It gave out again and he diagnosed that we need a new one and the bosses won't pay for that. God I know it makes me sound so freaking petty and entitled but damnit I can. not go through another summer of 95-100 degrees in the lab every. fucking. day. We already had one of those a couple weeks ago and it's just so fucking miserable and it's not like I have any ties to this company anyway.

Sorry, just had to get that out. Anyway, Who! Easter! Yay!

food, who, life, work

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