First post et all.

Jul 29, 2012 14:04

Ah well. I am not into posting or keeping journal. Watching Wallander(marathoning is the best word) a little voice in my head kept saying, if you must have an LJ account and make one post at least, it should be about the brilliant detective.
Swedish version that is. British Wallander is card postal of Sweden. Love it, love it, ofc and I would want to date it but I suspect the light in the scenes of BBC1's Wallander is not the Swedish originale light. For exemple.

This entry is probs wip. Or not.

Episode 2 of s2 of the Swedish version is beyond amazeballs. It propelled me to write a journal post. I am also procrastinating. That too. Mad Men's Suitcase just got a serious contender. Also, GoT Bealor feels the breath of it. Big statement. Alert the media,not.

