an incident I forgot to mention last entry

Jun 24, 2012 18:27

Hilarious thing about staying with my grandparents: while he is currently retired, apparently my grandfather, now a generally befuddled-looking old Chinese guy with hearing problems, was something of a Big Deal in the army in his day. For me, this in practice mostly means that we get strapping young soldier boys to play chauffeur for us when we need to go to and from the airport. This time, the poor dude got lost because he'd never had to drive to the airport on his own before, and then they had to send a second car (and I'm still not sure what happened to the second car, presumably they just drove back alone afterwards), and then an hour later the first car found us. So we finally drove to my grandparents' place and then my uncle had to be sick outside because he'd just spent close to two hours in a tiny stuffy car driven by this young buck who had no clue where he was going. And then, after Soldier Boy left and my uncle was done with his vomiting spell, one of us thought to ask what his name was and when my grandfather told us, everyone was in stitches because his name was Meng Tou, which sounds exactly like Chinese for "dizzy head" or "confused". except for my grandfather, who seemed pretty confused himself.

So that was pretty fun.

This entry was originally posted at dreamwidth.
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