My tweets

Apr 13, 2018 12:00

  • Thu, 17:01: Fruit aren’t ovaries, they’re fertilized eggs (seeds = foetus) grown in a womb of fruit flesh. When you eat fruit…
  • Thu, 17:08: This thread. This thread that explains how many different ways manual labor jobs can all be physically exploitative…
  • Thu, 17:58: RT @ marynmck: Last year, a novel pathogen-hunting initiative found the explanation for the deaths of 25,000 piglets in China: a never-disco…
  • Fri, 02:22: RT @ 41Strange: 'Orchis simia' known as the Monkey Orchid
  • Fri, 02:30: RT @ womensart1: Hanna Hasse Bergström, Swedish artist who decorates and paints the skulls she finds in the local forests #womensart https:/…
  • Fri, 02:33: RT @ tomlommel: My fellow dudes: if you ever find yourself replying to a woman's tweet and think to yourself, hehe this is funny she'll know…

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