she's just a girl who says that I am the one who will dance on the floor in a round...

Aug 14, 2005 00:34

so i'm sitting at home, listening to Michael Jackson (thanks hon) and wearing an awesomely cool baseball hat and i suddenly -and quite unexplicably i might add- got over all the college anxiety I'd been feeling and got very psyched.
Just like that.
it was kinda weird...but cool. it was this feeling that everything i'd been worried about just kinda melted away and that i knew it was all gonna turn out okay.

SO, the general important points that have been gleaned from said episode aaaare:
1. I'm gonna be okay.
2. I need to listen to more Micheal Jackson music
3. My hat has magical powers...i knew there was a reason i liked it.

go figure.
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