Mar 23, 2006 22:56
Meh, I thought it was alright. After about an hour and a half I got really tired of their force-feeding tactics and hoped for something that I couldn't predict though. It was like watching a historical documentary with a little bit of added flair.
I posted the loose change video a little bit down. Nobody commented on it, but it ties the movie to a possible reality pretty solidly, if not too bluntly. They are not one's for subtlety I must say.
I thought their torture scene was probably the most interesting part of the movie. What's reality matter if you understand the inner workings that drives it anyway? It also reminded me a bit of the matriculated. And the idea of artists using fiction to express fact in a way that truth can't reminded me of the journalist Hunter S. Thompson, who was essentially a professional journalist who made up stories. He wrote an article on the same subject that I read years ago, and I knew it meant something important at the time, but only over the years have I come to be able to fill it out, to some extent, and make it understandable. It's still hard to accept the fact that empirical knowledge could possibly not be the ultimate answer, but an appeasing cloud to get lost in. I'm still working it out.
Anyways, enough logical breakdown. Did any else get really bored near the end of the movie? I'm talking like draw on the back of your hands bored. Damn.
And did anyone else notice that, like most Hollywood movies, it ended with fire works and a sign of hope. You know, just right before all the actual blood shed and political struggles begin. Great, you've just broken everyone’s illusion, NOW guess what it's time for. But no, they've all got costumes to hold them together. Now their free and full of love because they have an idea to power themselves into eternity.
But hey, maybe it could happen. It just seemed that for such a strong political message it was way too romanticized.
Nitty Gritty. nitty gritty.
OH!!! Plus the bald chick didn’t fight anyone. Boooooooooooooooooooo!!!!