Mar 10, 2005 20:16
..."that's shameless, they were victims!"
"They were cowards too. Cowards for allowing themselves to be victims."
"Allow themselves?!?" " They had no amunition, no weapons, nothing to attack or defend themself with. They would be put to death in the most brutal way for it."
"They would be put to death anyway, and they knew it. But they resigned their will, their instinct of life..."
"No, it was their Instinct that kept them silent, their hope that kept them working..."
"Hah, working. And does anyone ever consider what they were working on. Does anyone push aside their pitty for one moment to realize they were working on weapons, weapons that were killing the only people who could save them."
"Oh, how can they know that? They worked with raw materials, how could they know what it was for?"
"Well, they couldn't have assumed school buildings, could they of? They couldn't possibly be thinking 'oh, the swingset this metal goes into will make children sooo happy.'"
"Now your being beligerant."
"I'm being realistic. Sure the crimes against them were horrific. I've empathized with them a million times since I learned about world war 2 and hitlers 3rd riech, but you can't deny the amount that died against the amount that faught to be free is pathetic."
"There were revolts my friend. Lets not paint a picture of a bent over dog here. These people struck back, but to no avail. They just couldn't, and understandingly, they just couldn't defeat dozens of men with automatics, and no apprehension in killing another man. Hell, killing a child. These soliers weren't humans anymore, just some part of a twisted machine run on empty theories and propaganda, you can't believe..."
"Look. Were not arguing whether the third riech was in the wrong or not. They were. By every angle, eye, and color tinted class, they were wrong. They could even be refered to as evil, though I don't believe the term. But of revolts there were three, at least three main ones. In the end the revolters died, they died deaths that were made to be an example to anyone who wished to follow, but they died killing those that would destroy them, and you can not say thet that isn't a thousand times nobeler then being hearded naked, into a small room, to be killed, in the most efficient way possible."
"I get it, I know. ...whenever I hear about the halocaust, I always see the pictures of the bodies being burnt, or thown into a ditch. I see the death camps, and raged bodies walking around. I see a land of pure hopelessness so far removed from where I am, from where I sit. And I like to think... I like to think that if I was torn from my home and family, if I was draged, degraded, and dehumanized, surrounded by death and an uncaring enemy, that I would stand up with the sound reason and willpower that I have now, and I would take every last one of those fuckers down before my fingers went rigormortice in the throat of some cock sucking bastard that created a hell on earth for my people. That "I" would be able to do that. ...but I don't think that I could."
"Hmph, struggling on the selfconfidence are we."
"Sorry. sorry. I guess your probably right. I still like to think there's more will in us humans than that though, something unconquerable. Or at least just in me."