“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- Club of Rome. The First Global Revolution.
http://green-agenda.com/globalrevolution.html Have you jumped on a bandwagon of global warming yet? Are you voting to be taxed for increasing CO2 by breathing and farting? Read the statement above one more time.
Everywhere you turn there’s talk about global warming and how we are all at fault. What is this? a global Jewish guilt? Even sleeping you leave your carbon footprint. Yeah, you live, you walk you leave footprints. Now we have to feel guilty for leaving footprints and we will pay for it.
Well, if you are sick you tend to seek a second opinion. Maybe this is no different. Here’s an opinion for you from the scientific community:
http://www.indytruth.org/films/globalwarmswindle/globalwarmswindle.avi or here
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5576670191369613647&ei=xKMbS_OhCo3QwgPcrrWKBg&q=global+warming+swindle# Have you noticed how most of the debates are done by politicians and lobbyists? Do you trust them to have your best interests at heart? Global warming became a business and a political platform. And indeed it has been designed this way from its inception (read the statement at the beginning again). Science has very little to do with it. And when it does it is all corrupted and ridden with fraud
http://www.examiner.com/x-25061-Climate-Change-Examiner~y2009m11d20-ClimateGate--Climate-centers-server-hacked-revealing-documents-and-emails http://www.facebook.com/ClimateExaminer
BTW, Al Gore was sued for fraud in the movie for which he received a Nobel Prize
http://thoughtbeast.wordpress.com/2009/09/01/al-gore-sued-by-over-30-000-scientists-for-global-warming-fraud-john-coleman/ That is not to say that I’m against green energy and sustainability! I’m all for it! And the need for green energy and sustainable communities is there whether or not global warming is looming over our heads!
Well, I hope this didn’t come across too forceful. I know everyone is very busy to think about these issues and just want to be left alone and just live their lives. But it does affect our life, financially and professionally, and the lives of our children who will be taxed for theirs and your breathing. So I hope you will find time and interest to check out these articles and videos.