Well classes are going pretty good. Actually this term is one of my easiest so I am taking two extra classes to bring my schedule up to a total of eight classes. Two of them I'm not getting any credits for. One because I've already taken it once and I'm just sitting in so that I can learn how to do it on Macs and the other is a certificate class so that I will get a certificate in Advanced Web Design when I graduate with my Associate Degree.
Yesterday we had a career fair here at the school and I found a couple of good ideas of places that I would like to work for my internship or even after I graduate. Believe it or not one of my top places that I'm looking at for an internship is Juniata County School District. I think that I would really like it there. Another location is an eye doctor over here in State College. Finally the last place that I'm of course looking at is Penn State University. I think Juniata is my main one right now.
On a completely different not I heard this poem the other night in a movie that I was watching and thought that it was beautiful. So of course I decided to google it so that I could have it. I thought I would put it in here for any one who is interested in reading it.
To An Athlete Dying Young by A.E. Housman
Well I hope that anyone who decides to read this enjoys it.