
Sep 13, 2007 17:19

ZOMG! Like, I'm actually updating my journal. It's been just over forever since I've last updated. Whoa. Since before school started, huh? And now it's almost over. YAYYY! I hate school. That's actually why i'm writing this entry. Just another attempt at avoiding homework. I really need to get something done. And i honestly plan to today. I think i actually will. I have to read some passage thingie for English and write ten close-reading questions with answers. SO not looking forward to that, but eh. It's okay. I should do it. I mean, why complain about not having an A if i'm not doing anything to obtain one? Wow. I can't believe that came from my mouth. Er, fingers. Whatever. And then after i do that homework thingie i have to study for Gov. I have a 68%. Yeah. I really want to raise that grade and i think it would help if i actually read the book some.

What's funny is the last day of school is tomorrow, but i don't plan on that stopping me. If anything, it should make me realize that the end of the semester is near and i really need to get those grades up. Eh. I hate school.

So here's what i plan to do during break. I wonder if i'll stick to it.
  • Heroes marathon (already scheduled for Wed/Thurs of next week)
  • QaF marathon (someday at Tony's house)
  • Go see Wicked in L.A. (September 22)
  • Work on College Apps. (Should start now. Who knows how much time is going to be taken up when we get back to school? Into the Woods is going to killll me.)
  • Finish s1 of QaF and maybe start s2(I'm on episode 110 now. I want to watch the whole series over)
  • Any homework i may have over the break
Hm. I love how finishing QaF precedes doing my homework. I didn't even intend that. How sad. Yep. I wonder if i'll keep to those, er, resolutions? Whatev. I feel like a lame-o right now. I don't know what i want to do. I really hate school.

What I Learned Today: High-schoolers are jerks. Well, i already knew that. But, somehow, it still amazes me. Oh, and s1!Brian Kinney = HOTNESS. Can't wait till s2, man. Reliving shows is fun.
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