Aug 13, 2004 00:10
UGH I definitly just ate way too much low carb candy... amongst other things ,not good. I feel like a blimp. Seriously someone just roll me over and shoot me please. I'm dedicating my life to working out tomorrow all damn afternoon!
Anyways Im in a bad mood now. I strongly dislike this town, I wish I was moving far myself. I can't wait to study abroad and just get away from everyone for 5 months. I am begining to reevaluate alot of things in my life, especially my "friends" from the past I dont know eight years. I think if you ever have to really wonder who will be there for you if something bad were to happen, or if you just really needed them, if you have to second guess that then there is something wrong, but I guess thats just the way I feel and the way Ive felt for a long long time. Its like everyone that I thought I've known for so long is not who I thought they were and its taken me this long to realize it. Its sad really, its like I was thrown into this different world and for the first time I felt cool (not that anyone is actually cool when their like 11) when I was like 11 and thats what I was a part of for so long and Im just starting to realize it was nothing and I probably missed out on a lot because I was too clique-ish to even realize. I guess what really bothers me that out of all the people that that I spent so much time with in middle and high school I can only really concider a handfull to be people that have truly honestly cared. I guess its dumb to be thinking about all this now but recently Ive become more aware then ever. I dont mean to offend anyone who may be reading this because i know its kind of petty to feel sorry for myself now, but also I
know the ones who know are reading this probably know I'm not talking about them. or should know at least. Alright enough of that munbo jumbo. tah tah for now