
Sep 17, 2005 12:03

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1) What would a_glass_slipper give urbanojunkie for his/her birthday? A sex slave
2) If hippy_surf_laxr and ageydsings were siamese twins, where would they be joined? their brains
3) Would part_time_lover go out with laurennn530? I think so
4) Would a_glass_slipper and f0rallitsworth look good together? They'd look good with anyone
5) Does f0rallitsworth have a big secret? Everyone has a big secret
6) What would you do if you found out a_glass_slipper has a crush on you? Smile.. lol Melis!
7) Is 660_verbal in a relationship? I believe so
8) Did favoritepearls break up with you? no. not so much LoL
9) Are 660_verbal and a_glass_slipper going steady? no
10) What word best describes hippy_surf_laxr? Pregnant.. lmao
11) Does simplylushious go to your school? used to
12) Is ageydsings friends with a_glass_slipper? I believe so
13) What animal does urbanojunkie remind you of? a lioness
14) Is favoritepearls 1337? no
15) If samaniac took over the world, who would be happy? Me.. Cuz he's a fun-gi
16) What video game does ageydsings remind you of? I'm not sure
17) Does urbanojunkie do drugs? no
18) What would a_glass_slipper think of f0rallitsworth? she's a cool chick
19) Do you have a crush on stairsascending? no
20) Does ageydsings know a_glass_slipper? yeah
21) If simplylushious and 660_verbal were spliced together, what would it be like? lolol the funniest she/man alive
22) How many monkeys could part_time_lover fight at once and win against? all of them
23) What color should samaniac dye their hair? leave it blonde samicans
24) Which of your friends should stairsascending go out with? ummm
25) Thoughts on stairsascending? He's a cool ass dude
26) Has a_glass_slipper been to your house/dorm? no
27) Is ageydsings related to you? no
28) What song/movie would you recommend to urbanojunkie? "Cool" b y Gwen Stefani cuz it's a cool ass song
29) Is a_glass_slipper a nerd? no
30) Is stairsascending introverted or extroverted? little of both
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