Drabble Requests

Jan 22, 2010 16:07

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.
→ Can't promise it'll be IC
→ Fandom lists in my profile
→ OCs are okay if I know them :)
→ ...if you request sexfic, it might come out as just crack. Or really shitty. Just so you know.

1.  Marluxia x Namine
2.  Tsunade x Jiraiya
3.  Kousuke
4.  Sai x Kaela
5.  Miharu x Kanashi
6.  Joy x Nick Jonas
7.  Joe Jonas x Greg Garbowsky
8.  Joe Jonas x Taylor Lautner
9.  Joy x Nick Jonas 2
10.  Alice x Hatter

*public, • requests

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