Snagged from
It's Ultimate Truth Meme time!
As a comment, tell me anything you've ever wanted to tell me but have never been able to say to my face. It can be some gripe you have about me, something you want to confess, etc. The beauty of it is that anything you say is completely anonymous. All comments here are screened, and I fully expect you to comment anonymously (unless, you want me to know, but I'm not sure why you would XD). That way you have the freedom of knowing that what you say won't be seen by anyone but you and me, and I won't even have the luxury of knowing who you are.
There's only one condition: you MUST be absolutely honest. Don't say something because it's kind or because you don't want to make me cry or whatever reason you might have. If you've always hated me and can't understand why we're still friends, then tell me! If you think my nose is too big and I should just stop being so damn stubborn, go ahead and let me have it. That's not to say that you can't say nice things if you want. But really, this is all about sincerity. Anything goes, so long as you really mean it.
Do it. Seriously. I love this stuff.