Right so, I'm a semetic chick who's trying to get in touch with her roots, if you will. I'm Jewish by Jeudaic law, but I don't practice the religion myself (I'm more of a zen/unitarian type). However, most my family is Jewish and I'd like to learn more about them. I also am good friends with two chicks (their twins actually) who are half Saudi, half America and I love to hear about their culture.
So here's something about me:
I'm 23, living in the Philadelphia region. My heritage includes: Russian, Romanian, German, and a smattering of the British Isles. I thought the word "schmuck" meant "mean person" up until the age of five or so and would shout it with glee at anyone I determined warranted being told how mean they were. My mom has done a lot to try and teach me about my heritiage and culture, and now I'm sort of branching out to find out some more on my own. I'm not looking to convert, but I do want to know where I come from.
Anyway, found this community whilst browsing
rachellll's uner info page and thought it looked neat.
So here are some pictures of me:
and one more...