This is mostly C&Ped from a Facebook group I just made. Props to
jencallisto for keeping me in the know, as well as in the relevant links. The fact that I'm making it a public post might tell you something about just how pissed off this made me.
If you have a paid account, think carefully about giving them any more money. Uncheck that auto-pay option.
If you have a supported+ account, I urge you to downgrade it to basic (which yes, I have already done myself). Take away whatever money you can from Livejournal, then tell them WHY when they offer you the option to give a comment. Make it known that if they're going to ban communities, they'd better ban communities that help people KILL THEMSELVES before they worry about what underage Harry Potter does with his nights.
This post is meant to educate, and is also a call to action. I'll provide some links after this summary for those who want to look at things more in-depth, but the long and short of it is this:
Livejournal is willing to ban fandom communities that harm no actual living, breathing minors, but won't act against pro-anorexia communities when anorexia kills 20% of those who suffer from it.
Livejournal has the ability and the willingness to ban some of what it considers to be groups or users participating in illegal or harmful activities.
Livejournal has made a point to ban a lot of fandom communities which may, or may NOT, be depicting fictional minors in sexual situations.
Livejournal is not, however, willing to ban pro-anorexia groups, and one of their representatives said that "it's not illegal to aspire to be thin" and thus that they will not ban such communities. This not only shows a complete lack of understanding of the seriousness of anorexia as a disease, but it belittles and offends so many survivors of it as no more than dieters or something.
If you want to read more, I recommend the following links: - the ToS thread where the pro-ana position was 'stated' - since that is their position, as far as I am concerned. - screenshots of a LJ employee publically mocking LJ users, as well as screenshots of an article about said activities. More proof that the LJ PR department is seriously SOL. - More related to the fandom debacle, which is not my main issue, but it points out that LJ cannot get their positions straight and continues to make and break promises to their users.