All I Want for Christmas is WORMS - or - The Concert That Almost Wasn't.

Dec 21, 2008 01:12

Alternatively subtitled: Where There's A Worm, There's A Way. Thanks to Kate for that, who will never read this. Oh well.

Before we begin, friends, I find it necessary to note that I am reporting from a brand new laptop. Bragging time is now over.  Any typoes are due to an unfamiliar keyboard.

When I saw the Worms at Hugh's Room back in September, they mentioned that they would be there to do a Christmas show in December. I knew I would HAVE to be going to that. I talked my dad into securing us tickets for December 18th. We were reservation number 2. This was going to be so grand!

3 weeks before the show, it was cancelled. The show on December 19th was still on, but we were out of luck. We scrambled for tickets to the next night, and I rushed to beg for the night off from work. By some miracle, both events came together, and we were assured of great seats for the 19th, and I was not scheduled to work that night. What else could go wrong?

I woke up the morning of the show to an absolute blizzard. Though people tried to tell me that the show was cancelled, I somehow knew that it wouldn't be. I just had to get there. After all the trouble we had gone through to get these tickets, I was NOT missing this show. A little snow will not keep me from my Worms. Despite drifts of snow that were nearly bigger than I am, I made my way to the bus stop. And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally I said screw it and called a cab. Only to be told it would be another hour. Whatever. Anything for Worms. Cab came, and the driver alternated between bitching about driving in the snow, and discussing the Worms. Rock on, dude. 
The GO train was naturally running late, but somehow, I made it to Toronto nearly on time. From there, it actually wasn't that hard to get to Hugh's Room. A little cold. Whatever.

Unlike last time, we were not the first ones there. Therefore, no sitting beside any Worms at the bar. Oh well, you can't really expect something as awesome as that to happen every time. We were seated without issue, in a small, cramped, but good seat, and ordered. And waited.

And waited

And waited.

Seriously, it took about an hour to get our food, and it came just as the show was starting. Whatever, it doesn't matter! I was there, with Worms, in the middle of the biggest snowstorm we'd had in years. Which, naturally, was a running joke. Mike and Chris took great joy screaming "SNOWMAGEDDON! AUUGHH!!" into the mikes. Hee.

Unfortunately, I didn't bring anything to write down the set list so...sorry. Oops. They did a mix of Christmas songs and regular ones. I finally got to see I Pulled My Groin live, which is...exactly how you'd think it'd be. (I filmed that one, so I'll post it later.) Not only that, but Mike on piano!! I knew he could play, but I didn't know how well. He is just as good on piano as he is on guitar. He played on about three or four songs. It's too bad he can't play at every show, because it really did add a lot.

Intermission came, and I got up and visited the merchandise table. I bought Christmas Turkey, and a toque with the logo on it.  Chris was sitting nearby, so first I went and bothered him for an autograph. He didn't have a pen, and neither did I, but my dad came to the rescue, and that was awesome. He offered to let Chris keep his pen, but he declined. His loss. XD.

Next, I saw Trevor hanging back so I went over to him. My dad insisted on introducing me. Oh dad :). Trevor looked at me, and was like, " look familiar..." I almost died, and listed the different shows I'd been at -- Burlington, Ancaster, the Torpid release party, and Hamilton Place. He grinned and said yeah, that's probably why he remembered me. I asked for, and got, a picture with him, but I wasn't really happy with how it turned out


It was time for the second act to begin, and we made our way back to the table and squeezed back in.  They did a few more Christmas songs, and a couple of standbys. During Carrot Juice is Murder, instead of waving a lighter or other light-making device, a kid in the front row decided to wave a wine bottle. Chris noticed this, and had to stop singing he was laughing so hard. Somehow they got through.

Even though we had to get home once the show ended, I wanted to at least try to get another photo to replace the first one, which I wasn't please with. I saw the guys sitting at the bar, and waited for a moment while they politely told someone that The Toronto Sucks Song was not, in fact, their song (*sigh.* Learn, people. Learn.) I then went up to Chris and asked for a photo, he said sure and asked Mike to come over to. Sweet. Then he called Trevor. Double sweet. So we took the picture, and this time, it was perfect.

Then I had to go home because the weather was bad. Stupid weather.

arrogant worms, concert

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