Just a few pictures. Not a lot to say. I started writing again, which was a big deal. We're planning on renting cabins a few more weekends/weeks this year, which'll be nice. We had the kayaks and those were fun to go out in, but it was just a very quiet weekend with no distractions. It was ideal for writing and getting people to leave me alone to concentrate/focus.
There was a bald eagle nest on this one island that we hung out around. Mom has those pictures on her camera, cause my camera isn't that awesome for water photography and the bag sucked.
Anyway, these first two are right out our front door.
That's Kineo mountain. It was cool seeing it from miles away. I'm going to try and upload the trip on my computer. Maybe I'll upload the video while I'm at work tomorrow :|a We filmed the entire trip \o/
Couple more pictures from the cabin.
This was the only picture I took on the lake. You can see how smudged up it is because of the bag, so I gave up. I tried to take a picture of the eagle's nest up there, but it didn't work out so well. You can see it almost in the center, just to the right under the dead tree. It's behind a fir branch where the opening is.
Oh yes, this moose.
This moose.
And a story to go along with it.
I don't feel like typing the entire story out right now, so there's that.
Also, this was a stone in nearby Greenville (we were in Rockwood).
Also, Mom bought one of these for me and her when we went to the Indian Hill Trading Post. We thought it was fudge, but it was actually a chocolate covered Oreo.
I never want to eat one again. It tasted good, but it was so sweet x.x neveragainneveragainneveragain
Shit. Just realized I should've grabbed one for Holly /sob/
Also, I got more pins for my collection while I was up there. And postcards.