The funeral is tomorrow morning. I'll probably wake up a couple hours early and hang out on the computer. I need to make people realize that hovering really makes me uncomfortable and I'm likely to bitch at the ones doing the hovering if they don't stop.
Dad's obituary was in the papers yesterday. I had to rewrite it before they sent it in, because the parlor doesn't know how to type good stories. It was a god damned disaster before I touched it up. Even then they added in all kinds of typos during the printing for the newspapers, which is really disgusting and I want them to correct it. My cousin's name is Corey, not Corey god damn it. The obit is
over here(corrected on this site), and his full page dedication thingie is
over here. There was a snow storm today, so no one came over. That was kinda nice. Zach finally came home last night. but Mom and I kinda forced him to. He needed to be with us for a day before we go tomorrow.
We moved Dad's truck to a friend's because Zach was having problems with it being here. I think I said that in the last post. A friend's trailer was here that Dad used to haul wood in. I almost lost it when I came home a couple nights ago and the reflections lit up in my headlights, so the friend picked that up. Garry and Mom were having trouble with the trailer that Dad built, so that went to my uncle's.
I keep hearing the garage door opening and shutting.
We put together a board of pictures today, because it's not a viewing/open casket. It couldn't be. I also put together a CD to play, but it doesn't work so I'm going to take in my mp3 player and see if I can hook it up directly. I can send the download(s) to anyone if they want it.
Not much else to say. Going to the MTRA banquet on Saturday. Probably going out to eat before, but I'm going to insist on taking my own car and not carpooling with peopl. I need time alone, like always, and people just don't get that.