I've been bawling sooo much listening to the Return of the King soundtrack lately. I've only seen RotK 3 times, but when I hear certain parts of the music, I can just picture the scenes perfectly. The best tracks are from 15 to the end.
Man, I've been craving Dogma for so long now, but they don't have it at WalMart (the only place I havn't been too lazy to check out lately). I think I'm going to go crazy if I don't watch it soon!
Another quiz result:
Congratulations, you are Arwen, a true romantic at
heart. There is more to you than meets the eye.
You would do anything for your true love, even
give up your immortality.
You are known for being Graceful, Elegant, and
Which 'Lord of the Rings' Noblewoman are you? brought to you by