Stark's Infotainment Blah Isn't Dead, It Just Smells Funny
1) Holy shit, people, what's the word? Apparently I was in an unconcious competition with
Hannah to see who could go the longest without updating their journal. She wins! 'Cause I'm a generous guy, what can I say? And here now the news:
2) Christmas = merry. Watched an ancient video of 1983's Christmas at my grandparent's place, featuring a shaggy-haired one-and-a-half-year-old Stark, my late grampa grumpily dismissing all of the presents my grandma bought him, and my mom with a hairdo that made her look like k.d. lang. Ho ho. Christmas gifts included:
The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch
The Collected Fiction of Kenneth Koch
Dog Soldiers -- Robert Stone
The Unbelievable Truth and Amateur, two films by Hal Hartley
I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight and Hokey Pokey by Richard and Linda Thompson
3) Psyched to see Sleater-Kinney and Stephen Malkmus tomorrow night at The Showbox. I've seen Le Kinney two-and-a-half times now (the first time back in '97 [1897] at RCKCNDY I got sick from all the cigarette smoke and dry-heaved into a garbage can so I left mid-way through) and they always bring the goods. Malkmus solo has been stellar both times, but I'm not feeling his new record. Psyched, though, psyched.
4) Hey! I went to L.A. a few weeks ago to visit my friend Devon. Here are pictures. A good time was had by one and all. Money spent at Amoeba Records: $100something. Stark Rule of Thumb: the more money spent, the better the trip. 'Twas a good trip, then.
5) I start classes next month. Intro to Biology and Intro to Logic. Feel free to worship.
6) This jam needs to be more like Edith Frost's blog. Also whatever it is I do needs to be as good as what she does (music doy doy).
7) Today 'cause I've got a scorching case of cabin fever (or herpes) I created a Richard and Linda Thompson profile on MySpace. Don't tell him that though 'cause who knows what he might do to me; I've read his lyrics, okay? Send a request if you're down.
8) King Kong = "More like King Long if you ask me!" -- Dennis Best, sage film philosopher of our time.
9) Joseph McElroy = still awesome. Lookout Cartridge might be my favorite of his yet.
10) Alex Chilton was born today. Dennis Wilson died today. Pay your respects.