Sep 03, 2005 10:39
I am still sick somehow, now going on two weeks...i've been popping pills like pez dispensers and actually i've gotten more sick by taking medicine...yesterday was the most sick i've been in about a year, i felt like i was in a Bettlejuice cartoon the whole day...hopefully i will be better in a couple of days...had a meeting this morning at 7 a.m. for Best Buy, i'm glad i get paid for that shit or i would never get up that early for a meeting...i donated money to the disaster relief fund in New Orleans, i'm not sure why exactly, i guess i realize that people are much more in need then me right now, my birthday is on september 11th so i also remember that tragedy and i guess if i have the extra money why not give it to someone who needs football starts today, Maryland Vs. Navy...Go Maryland...i'm gonna try to fix this cold...