Favorite Song of the Day: "
Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into The Water, Triumph Of" by The Mountain Goats.
Even the title is awesome, in a completely nonsensical "...wait, did I read that wrong?" kinda way. I'd share the MP3, but I doubt that anyone who didn't live/grow up in SoCal would find this song nearly as amusing, and I'm pretty sure there are no fellow natives on my Flist.
Still, LOVE IT. Very catchy.
Also, I went out to lunch this afternoon with my sister. They must have been having a slow morning at the
Roadhouse Grill, because when we walked in eight or nine of the wait staff were line dancing in the foyer. They kept at it, too, all the way through lunch.
You don't really see that everyday.
Oh, and the Sweet Potato Pecan Pie? A+, WOULD EAT AGAIN.
(Which is saying a hell of a lot, because when I allow myself to order desert I rarely order something that isn't chocolate.)
Awww. WOOO! And what?
I'm starting to feel the first few hints of excitement over this movie, which in turn is making me feel... a little uneasy. Which is really bizarre, right?
I never wrote anything for it (well, nothing I ever posted), but XF is, by far, the biggest online fandom I was ever involved in, and for the longest amount of time. I still have a TON of memory and emotion tied up in that show, many DVDs were bought and thousands of fics were read, and now it's been what, six years since the series finale? To be honest, I'm not 100% sure that I want to dive right back in again.*
I'm perfectly happy with the one
teeny-tiny, practically non-existent fandom that I have left; I don't want to get involved in any others, and definitely nothing so huge. Not again, and probably not ever.
I'm a lot happier and more content without a lot of fandom in my life, I've come to realize. These days I actually make a point of NOT reading/watching/listening to things that I might be drawn into a fandom for. I know where my tendencies lie and I just... don't want to go there again, for some bizarre reason. I don't think it would be good for me. I honestly can't explain it.
Gah. Have I lost my geek cred, or is this just a "famous last words" moment? Seriously, what the hell??
* Or so I say now. Once the movie opens I'm sure I'll be haunting
Ephemeral ALL OVER AGAIN. ::sigh:: Some of the most incredible! authors! EVER! write (or wrote) in the XF fandom, which'll make the fanfic really hard to resist come July.