"Bored and exhausted from days of repeatedly violating every orifice of the Mel Gibson story with its throbbing member of round-the-clock coverage, the news media now pauses for a moment on a well-traveled stretch of road in Malibu, contemplates a particularly inviting crack in its asphalt surface, hurls itself upon the ground, and begins anew its vigorous pounding of this Gibson-related opening."
(Defamer) That is quite possibly the funniest, most accurate thing I've read all week.
KFI was reporting the exact same story (ie, how shockingly dangerous it is to speed down PCH at 3am while drunk, psychotic and/or high) about an hour ago on the radio.
Damn celebrities.
This is why I hate loathe don't live in LA. Yes, I was born there, but I'd usually rather not admit it.
In other news, my niece came up to me this afternoon and asked to watch LOTR.
Keeping in mind that Meaghan is 5 1/2 years old, I was a little hesitant, mostly because she's only ever seen the very beginning of the first film (Bilbo's birthday party, and the fireworks, and all that happy stuff). I was worried that she'd be frightened by ... well, you know, everything that comes along afterward.
But? So far so good. I started it from the very beginning this time and she asked about a billion questions, wondering who was who and what the ring did and why the black riders were chasing Frodo. She even said to me, as we watched the (apparently not-scary-at-all) prologue scenes, "Oh no! The good guys were defeated!" lol
We'd just gotten past the birthday scene - again - when "Chicken Little" showed up in today's mail (thank you Netflix) and Meg decided to watch that instead. ::phew:: Despite how well she's done so far, I'm still worried about the scary factor to come. There's no way she'll forget about this, so I guess we'll see what happens.