Please! Pull the plug on Sarah Palin TV! >"

May 04, 2010 14:18

Please call (240) 662-2000 today between the hours of 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Eastern. To ensure your voice is heard, press 0 immediately to be transferred to an operator and deliver this important message in your own words:
“My name is  [[your name]] and I’m calling from [[your city, state]]. As someone who cares about wildlife, the environment and responsible TV programming, I am extremely disappointed in Discovery Communications' decision to broadcast Sarah Palin's Alaska.

[Please indicate which Discovery TV stations you watch, if any--e.g., TLC, Animal Planet, the Discovery Channel, the Science Channel or the Military Channel.]

Providing this platform for Palin will either feature her extreme anti-wildlife and anti-conservation views or greenwash her reputation.  This undermines Discovery's credibility and flies in the face of the reputation for quality wildlife programming that the company has worked so hard to build.  Please pull the plug on Sarah Palin's Alaska immediately.  Thank you for your time.
If the operator transfers you to Viewer Relations or another department, please wait through the recording until you are able to leave your message for Discovery.
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