Look at that commission Thornwolf did for me! OMGAWWWDS. I commissioned it as sort of a 25 year birthday pic for me, and Mark (Artemis). We both turn 25 the first week of august, and we're pretty excited (lower insurance, solidly into our 20s...:P)
Anyway. I absolutely adore this image. Its the quintessential Selunca and Artemis. Right down the the wonderfully curvey shape that she gave Sel, and the more buff, lithe body she gave Artemis. She even got Sels Tattoo in there, and Artemis's pendant!
I currently have a large (19x14"?) drawing by WolfNymph hanging sort of off kilter from my monitor in the art closet, Mark and I agree we need to get a print of this one, and put it to the side of the other. We both think we need maybe one more small commission (6"x6") to hang and it will make a cool trifecta(sp?) of fuzzy awesomeness above my art desk :3
No LJ cut for you, because its too awesome to LJ cut!
Otherwise, we have no real plans for the actual weekend of our birthday because we both work on that weekend, but the next weekend I'm going to take Artemis to the Lost Island water park a few hours away - just the two of us - to enjoy some one-on-one time.
But BIG THANK YOU to Thorn for absolutely making our birthday special.
A certain Red Dragons birthday is coming up in 10 days too :O! I need to do something special for that red dragon. He's sorta awesome.