OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS. Lost has made my brain hurt every week this season but last night's finale? The cells finally melted and leaked out my ears.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY. Spoilery spoilers from spoilstown follow for anyone who has not yet had their brain melted by last night's season finale.
I'm so a;dfkhaghaf' after last night, I don't even know where to begin. But I'm just going to dive in and throw out whatever pops into my head so please forgive if it's a mix of random gobble-de-goo.
* First of all, Juliet is an IDIOT. You have Sawyer, honey. And yeah, so he was thrown for a minute when Kate showed up and it hurt. I get it, I really do. But HE LOVES YOU. He's WITH YOU. And he's got no plans to leave you for her because he's no longer that crazy or stupid anymore. So please, for the love of all that is holy, please explain to me the sudden change of heart? I mean, "If I never meet you than I never lose you?" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?! When you've got Sawyer honey, you hold on tight with both hands and draw on your inner kung-fu hero to drop kick anyone who even looks like they are taking him away from you. (And on that note, how overdue is Kate for a good ass kicking? WAY overdue by my estimate.) THAT'S how you handle that shit. You don't just blow up the world and hope it makes things like they never happened! Because where's the good in that? OK, you've never lost Sawyer but YOU'VE NEVER HAD HOT MONKEY SEX WITH HIM EITHER. I just can't see an upside to this plan. AT ALL. And when Juliet fell down the hole and Sawyer was crying and trying to save her? I almost died. My poor woobie! I think, in some ways, her death was the most painful and tragic for me -- and on a show like Lost, that is REALLY saying something.
* This leads me, of course, to commentary about old Uncle Jears. Jack, you too are a complete ASS. And you know, it isn't like I didn't know that going in, but you've had some shiny redeeming moments that made me start to think that you might not be such a bitch after all. But I should have known better. Like Juliet, the fact that you lost Kate is enough reason to BLOW UP THE ISLAND? Because like Sawyer said, you dumb ass, if it does what you think it will then you'll wind up at LAX and Kate will be GOING TO JAIL. Which, I'm sure in your twisted little head means you'll get some kind of chance to save her or something except you WON'T and she won't want you to because you won't know eachother! Your whole "If it's meant to be, it'll be" is equally craptastic reasoning. It's moments like these that make me think that maybe you two ARE made for eachother. JESUS PEOPLE. And BTW, why is it that you get to make the decision for EVERYONE ELSE ON THE ISLAND that blowing it up and maybe resetting time is the right thing to do? Just because you fucked up your life and your chance at happiness with that freckled wacko is no reason to deprive other people! I mean, Miles is finally getting to know his dad, Sawyer's got a decent life, Rose and Bernard are happy on the beach with the peace and not dying, Hurley's finally beginning to believe that he isn't cursed at all, Sun and Jin (courtesy of their time on the island) have finally found their love again and had a BABY despite all odds (and yeah, I know they are 30 years apart on the timeline now but that's a whole other issue), Desmond got back to Penny and had a kid.....I don't really think these people want a reset! And not to go all Obi-wan, but this journey has tought you all a lot of important things and made most of you better people for it. Only a complete and utter DICKHEAD would want to undo all of that for EVERYONE as a way to deal with romantic failure with a woman you ostensibly might still have a chance with!!! I mean, really show? WHAT. THE . FUCK.
* And that leads me to: Thank god for Miles and his ability to use his brain for rational thought! "Did any of you bother to wonder if this might be the anomaly and the best thing to do is nothing? No? Good. I'm glad to see you've all thought this through." YEAH! WHAT HE SAID! And why on earth would no one actually take a few minutes to think about that shit??? I don't get it. AT ALL.
* Skipping around to other crazy things.....Jacob! We finally got to see Jacob! So many questions even now. Who is the other guy at the beginning (who obviously has somehow taken over John Locke in some fashion) that wants Jacob dead so badly? Are they gods or brothers or something? Why couldn't he kill Jacob if he really wanted to? I guess he needed someone else to do it. And the loophole he mentioned -- is it that he can exist as a dead person if he can get someone to bring a dead body to the island? Or is the loophole that he can get someone else to kill Jacob for him? It seemed like Jacob is the force that always brings people to the island, clearly to participate in some version of this experiment and it seems to always end the same. Except for this time since the other guy got Ben to stab him to death. Was the ship on the horizon the infamous Black Rock? Was Richard/Ricardos on that ship? How did Jacob make him immortal? And to what end? And did Ilena and that group work for Jacob or the other dude? What's Richard's role in all of this? I've been told that Richard's answer to Illena's question about "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" roughly translated to "He who will save us all." So who is the "he"? Is it not!John? Is it Ben? Was it Jacob and now we're all screwed? And what was with Jacob's visit to all the Losties in their pasts? For some of them it was like he was issuing a challenge or giving them a task -- a task that they eventually failed that led them to be on Oceanic 815. He told young Kate not to steal again (and we all know how that turned out). Right after he saw young Sawyer, Sawyer made a promise to his uncle(?) not to finish the letter and to let his parents go (or something like that) and he clearly didn't. He told Sun and Jin to never take their love for granted (which they TOTALLY did). I can't remember all of the interactions, but those really stuck out at me. OH! And it seemed like he made it so that Sayid lived while Nadia got hit by the car! DUDE. But he also convinced Hurley he might be blessed instead of cursed/crazy. So. Is he a good guy? A bad guy? I.......have no idea.
* From there, I have to talk about not!John. OK, so John's really dead. But the guy pretending to be John is still kind of John, right? I mean, he has John's memories and stuff so he isn't completely not John. Does this also mean that this is why we've seen Christian walking around the island since the original crash? And it isn't that he had any particular ties to the island but was just the dead body on the plane that this guy could kind of bogart for his own purposes? And where the hell is Claire in all of this? And are we ever going to have any idea about why Walt was different and special and important and allowed to leave? Surely they've got to tie back to that somehow. And it seems everyone on the island was there because they were chosen in some way. Was it just Jacob or was it the other guy too? And what role were they chosen to play? And how did Widmore and Charlotte get off the island? And what happened to Miles' dad -- did he die when the bomb went off? I'm so confused now by who is on which team -- and from there, which team is good and which is bad. Who the hell are we supposed to be rooting for in this game?
Show, you make my head hurt A LOT.
* Can we talk for a minute about the fact that Eloise shot her own son while she was pregnant with him? What a mindfuck. First of all, I miss you kooky Daniel. I kind of don't understand now why she would push him so hard to be a scientist AND to take Widmore's grant if she knew it would lead to him coming to the island and going back in time and getting SHOT BY HER. What the fuck is that all about? You'd think she'd have been desperate for him to be a piano player or a janitor or a paper mache artist or ANYTHING that would keep him from the time warp that put him in her camp in 1977 with a gun. As a mother she SUCKS ROYALLY.
So what does this mean for next season? First of all, I must admit that I was a bit confused there towards the end because I thought I remembered that Team Darlton had struck a deal with ABC for Lost to air for five seasons so they could tell their story in it's entirety. However, I'm guessing since the strike last year made for a truncated season three, they decided to extend it for a year and flesh it out some more. Either way, I'm completely perplexed as to what this means for next season. Will the show really start again where it did in Season 1 without the plane crash? Or will it not have worked at all the way they thought and spin out of control into some other dimension? If they do go back to the beginning, will they remember what happened or will it really function like a "reset" with only like weird senses of deja-vu or latent memories? (Daniel's flashback from last season sitting in front of his TV crying over the faux crash of 815 makes me think this might be true). What if Miles is right and them setting off the bomb was the anomaly? Then what do they do?
And everyone keeps pushing this whole what has happened, has already happened. What's done cannot be undone. And Miles' arguments about how you can't change the future. EXCEPT -- Daniel had a convo with Desmond in the past to tell him to find his mother at Cambridge and then Des woke up with a completely new memory which.....doesn't that mean that something NEW happened? Something different?
Again, I surrender here because my brain hurts too much to try to reason my way through any of this stuff. I'm just going to say that I'm excited as all hell to see what happens in the final season and am pissed as hell we have to wait until 2010 for it to roll out! I mean, I applaud the whole season running in consecutive weeks without crappy hiatuses, but waiting 9 months for this shit to resolve is going to SUCK.
I'm sure I'll think of a zillion other things later, but those were kind of the big ones for me -- the ones that have been imparing my brain function all day and contributing to the dissolving of brain cells. What did you guys think? Anyone have any other comments/thoughts/theories???
On a completely unrelated note, I feel like somehow the universe rewarded me last night with a gift I didn't see coming -- the KRIS and ADAM IDOL FINALE OF GREATNESS!!!! Seriously, I could not be any more excited! I think that this will perhaps be the most awesome finale Idol has ever and will ever have. Because there is no bad option here folks -- if Adam wins, it's awesome and I won't worry because Kris will still definitely get a record deal; and if Kris wins, it's awesome and I won't worry because Adam will still get a record deal (and will likely have Simon as his personal mentor/advocate). Can you imagine the hotness and insan-o amazingness we are in for here kids? I almost can't wrap my mind around it!
I don't know if any of you read Jacob's recaps on TWoP, but here is how he summed up the KRIS/ADAM FINALE OF EPIC WIN:
"I've been saying it's the best season ever since auditions, and you didn't believe me. Can you possibly join me now? Because check out your Top Two: KRIS and ADAM, which is the equivalent of winning two new cars in a raffle you forgot you entered. One of them goes really fast, changes from one just-invented color to another, gets its satellite radio from an unknown star, and takes you to wonderful, frightening lands of the future. The other has automatic transmission, sleek lines and touchable faux-leather interior, and always smells like heaven. And the biggest dilemma you face in your life is: which car am I going to drive today? That's a lot like having no problems at all."
I could not have said it better myself.
And last note: WOOT! It's SPN FINALE TONIGHT!!! I'm on PINS AND NEEDLES!!! If anyone wants to IM me and flail together, I'm "SeluciaV" on AIM too. See you cats later!!!