stupid anime fans.

Nov 20, 2007 22:01

EDIT:Apparently this person is famous for being a retard.

*shudders* i guess he's not a guy like i thought.  creepy.


I was reading comments about tetsu's engagement

Somebody wrote a comment that read something like, "Personally, I think tetsu and hyde are really a couple and the marriages are a cover."



And this person actually goes on a long rant about how they hate the "homophobia" in Japan. Um FYI, there is no real "homophobia" in Japan, since no one over there is really religious. They're only creeped out by them, because the only think they know about them are cliches and stereotypes and therefore have no idea what a real gay person is like.

So, to check his credibility I went to his journal.

Well, first of all he's a guy and he calls himself a "fanboy."... and "otaku."

already, i definitely don't like this guy.

Yeah, he thinks Gackt is a fascist and crazy racist nationalist. he says he used to be a fan of his until he read this interview. I read the interview. This guy over analyzes too much.

Here's one of his friend's comment to his post about Gackt "changing for the worse."

I lost respect for him because of the events of the SKIN concert at Anime Expo. I staff several cons, so I had friends who were there, and what I they were late, didn't play a full set, incited a riot, destroyed equipment and trashed the stage before leaving right after the show was over...I'm sorry, but that's a BIG nono in my book, considering how much work goes into bringing bands in to perform at a con.

First of all, if you weren't there, and that was all you heard don't say shit. Second, IN THEIR DEFENSE, from someone who WAS there...

they were not "late." They were definitely on time. They STARTED the show late, but only because the band was nervous not wanting to dissapoint their fans and wanted to practice some more. They didn't play a "full set," because they didn't HAVE a full set. They're still in the beginning stages for most of their songs!! OF COURSE YOU CAN'T PLAY A FULL SET. This is the first time ANYONE has even HEARD their music, so tell me, what do you expect??

Incited a riot...? Um.. i have no idea what your talking about at all at this point...

Yes they destroyed equipment.

It's called rock n' roll bitch -- it was apart of the show.

And they didn't leave RIGHT after the show was over. People were waiting for them after the show(i know i did) and they didn't leave until maybe an hour and a half after.

stupid anime fans.

jrock, internet, rant

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