I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately.
Like, for instance, the night before last, I dreamt that I was Chris Rock's sister. Yes, THAT Chris Rock! Some random white woman was my younger sister. Goodness knows who the parents were. I was under the vague understanding that somehow through marriage and remarriage, I ended up in this bizzare celebrity family. I was just about to broach the question of my parentage when I woke up.
Then there was that dream I had last night where I was an international Superspy and
angelus_81 was my evil nemesis who had the cats to pat. @_@ I was escaping a death trap too.
And let's not forget that weird dream I had where I was at the Great Library of Alexandria - and going to Alexandria Uni. I was looking for a book by Michael Ende but found one called "Dinosaur Station". It even had a picture of a man fighting a dinosaur in the front. Also,
badmandi was there, drinking coffee at one of the cafes in Alexandria, because of course, a good ancient library couldn't be without hot chocolate! The High Priestess of the library dressed me up as Strawberry Shortcake. I believe I woke up when I realised I was dressed as Strawberry Shortcake.
Weird dreams lately. I wonder if it's what I ate.