So, I got back from my vacation yesterday. It was great. I have brought back a gigantic bottle of Jelly Belly Jellybeans and two games for the DS and KINGS' QUEST! The latter of which is ALWAYS good.
17 hour plane trips BAD, however. If you're ever going to fly on a plane for 17 hours, make sure not to do it with United Airlines. The service on that flight was okay, but the movies were terrible, both the choice and the fact that the movie screen was broken so the movie kept getting white noise. I'm pretty tired. Incidentally, I discovered that M Night Shalamayan has a lazy eye.
I went to Mandy's last night for a sort of informal New Years Party, which was okay. We watched the Fireworks on her TV, although I hear that the view from my home's balcony was superb. I enjoyed it, however, and if my parents are not here next year, I'd like to volunteer my house for a small cocktail party and stuff for New Years next year. But those plans can wait for 300 days or so.
It's good to be in Sydney again. Having
subfuture here is also a lovely bonus as well.
Byebye now, I need some rest.