it must be autumn

Sep 26, 2010 10:19

dark mornings, colder weather and weekends planned awfully full.. yup must be nearly October.

allso: chestnuts!!! they are everywhere.. that, for me, really is the sign that oktober is nearly there. i remember collecting them on my birthdays and then make decorations out of them for in the house.. good memories.


i've got a lot of things to do in oktober, with Omen being the first together with Ghost's birthday ofcourse.

1/2/3 oktober holds Omen, i'm going to miss half of the saturday because i didn't get the day off but i've found a way around it. still, it buggars me.. supid job.

8/9/10 oktober holds Moots/vortex, wich i'll not be attending, eventhough i just found out i could have..

15/16/17 Doodspoor, wich i'll be missing probably because of my birthday on the sunday. not sure yet though

22/23/24 Lands in Exile, the first of the new plotline.. very keen to see what that is going to bring. i heard that the ravis are probably joining too.. would be a lot of fun.

but work is not cooperating atm so i'll have to see what i can and cannot do this oktober.

so, my birthday is nearing again, bit of a double feeling because of my grandmother being sick as she is.. i'm well aware that she might not live till then, or that she might skip coming to our birthdays because of being sick.  (for those who didn't know yet; my grandmother has been diagnosed with a deadly bowel-cancer and the prediction is that she'll probably die within a year)
time will tell though.

november will hold the last of Lextalionis, shame.. but it has to end somewhere.. i'm very curious to what it's going to bring for me as an npc.
november allso holds Unity, wich i'm slowly starting to plan for.. got an interesting offer i might consider.. especially if my boss is going to die this time.

that's it for larp zut.

the good thing about my birthday is that i finally get to have a shot at the cake we had in sweden.. the birthday cake for Italo's brother. finally got the reciepe so i'm very glad i can try it out.. if it works i might even drop by on doodspoor the sunday. (depending on a couple of factors)

other coocking plans; well the cupkaces with frosting where quite an succes, next step is probably to try he thick frosting (fondant)

allso, sinds Bram was making himself tiramisu yesterday.. i totally want to do that too now.. ^^ maybe monday, since i'll be having the monday off.

well, that will be all for now i guess.. got a costume to finish

-J4 out

larps, autumn, life

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