The year 2018

Dec 29, 2018 12:57

I don't usually write a yearly tallyup of things that happened but this year deserves to be put down on paper, mostly to show myself that it ain't all drama ánd that have much more credit to give myself then I usually do.

At the end of 2017 Nico and I haphazardly moved into this flat in Dordrecht just before Sinterklaas, a place we didn't really wanted to live but we kind of had to because it was affordable and available. We spend the hollydays mostly at home, not really celebrating anything due to the flue and general lack of energy. We did however had Sanne and Stefan over for 1 day around Christmas and that was lovely.

The new year started rough, it took a whole month to finally get the internet going while we where both home off and on still being sick. But we managed with movies, the new bought Mini Nes and pc games that could be played offline.
2018 was also the year I switched jobs 3 times, I started with a Party Rental company as jack-of-all-trades cleaner, and allthough the hours where ok the people there where really not my cup of tea. Their idea of having a laugh was gossiping and fart jokes. I was really unhappy.
I decided I wanted to do better, be better. So I hired a job asvisor to see what and how I could present myself better on the job market to land I job I could actually be happy in.
That turned sour when my then employee wanted to screw me with a really bad contract, so we did as much patching as we could and I left for a dishwashing job in a restaurant in Dordrecht. At least that was better people wise, I thaught.
Boy was I wrong.
At first it really seemed ok, everybody was nice in learning me the ropes (not that there was that much to learn) and they joked and had fun in the kitchen. I was promised learning kitchen things in the future, and good hours. Non of that came true.
In the end I sometimes only had 4hr of work on a day, and sometimes only 1 or 2 dsys a week in stead of the promised splid 3. I was also bored out of my skull, deeply underappriciated and quite frankly; my good hearted and hartworking nature was being abjused. So much even that friends started to notice, and said to call the health and safety department.
But then there was Jack.

Trough luck and good friends I managed to switch my shitty job within a week somewhere in june to the best job out there. I had known Jack of Dice for years, ocasionally helping out on fairs but I never thaught I would work there.
And boy is it everything I needed.

Craftwise It was less of a good year, I still make things but I quit my company. I rather just make things when I want to and then sell them off or give them away as I see fit. I do still ocasionally do custum orders, but only when I feel it will be fun. Cozy Dragon still exists, but I havn't done anything with it in a while. Hopefully next year there will be more movement on that front. I do get to craft at/for work now! Wich is kinda fun.

Larp wise it's been quiet but hectic at the same time, I do less larps but put more time in each of them. Especially with me now being part of the Charm writing team.
Playing an Uruk has been really challenging but I have great backup there, and Belvedere gives me so much drama and joy. I have made a very dear new friend there in Rick Samuel.

On a personal front it was a 'learn to run before you can walk' kind of year. I had to make some funny leaps to stay on my feet on not let stupid jobs get me down, but I've learned a lot thanks to that. Sadly it was also the year that I had a lot of money issues, a lot of car trouble and just before the hollidays we heared that Nico will lose his employment in March. That was topped off with the fact that Nico's yungest brother is really ill and will have to undergo a whole healing process. A lot of uncertain bumps are still ahead on that account.

While yhis years had a lot of zig-zaggy roads with no clear path to walk on, it has also been a year of recognition. A year where I found qualities in myself I shrugged off as 'normal' before to be really quite something.

1 - I'm really hood at adapting and rolling with the punches, when a job is st my speed I can learn all the basics in a few weeks and all the hard stuff in a month.
2 - my brain needs to be able to work, no brain jobs are not good for my health or sanity
3 - I need to be able to switch it up and learn new things, a little routine is good. Too much is not
4 - I nest really well, I think I can make any place home as long as I have the ability to go out and be with my loved ones.
5 - I have the best friends. No seriously. Without all of you I would be lost
6 - I have the best partner, he has been (and still is) the most supporting guy ever. He deals with all my panics and moods with ease, never gives up on me and puts a mirror in front of my face when needed.

All in all it was a heavy year, but I really found my tribe. I found so many people that are so dear to me. With those at my side I can only see bright tidings in the future.


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