an update from the dragon front

Feb 07, 2012 09:50

Well, the new year has evolved to it's second month allready so it's about time for a new Update.

I've had a bit of a rough start living-wise, with the CV braking down on me a couple of times in the ice-cold allready. Being on the 15th story of a huge flat has a big downside, all the air that get's into the pipes get's pushed up to the highest part of the building. Wich would be me.

everyting seems to be in order now but the company that maintaines this system warned me this this could happen a lot more.. it's a problem not to be solved.

Healt wise i'm a bit in the rough too. My skin is very much hating the cold weather, and with no sunlight and only dry heat from the radiators it is very much unhappy. I really should get back to therapy but i do not have the time to spend 3 afternoons a week to go to the hospital since i work 40 hours. So i really just should make one appointment and try and see if i can get a treatment at home.. but I can't seem to put myself to it, mostly because i'm scared the health-insurance will put that request onto my own bill and i won't be able to pay that for sure.

In all other fronts it's going pretty oke :)
Me and Remco are great together, i feel so much better now. I hardly stress anymore, nor do i fear every choice i make anymore. Just knowing that he's there for me simply does that. My panic attacks have diminished to one single panic moment every few weeks. wich is just amazing. He is amazing.

work is going a lot better too, now i had my CA training I feel more confident about what i'm doing and that really pays off. I'm slowly gettint he hang of this now, and people starting to notice it.

House wise I havn't really got any further. Still havn't moved the bed into the actual bedroom. Since i found out that the window in the bedroom is not holding any warmt in i decided not to take my chances. I mean, it's as cold in the bedroom as it is outside!
but other then that the house is fine.

I got a lot of fun things ahead, good plans to look forward too and my beloved bf to stand by my side.

i can actually say I'm happy.



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