the old and the new

Jan 16, 2012 14:05

i guess you can call this over due,but i decided to go for it anyway.

2011 was an odd year.

it started out splendid with getting together with John, wich sadly ended halfway during that same year.
True John i learned to know a lot of new people, mostly GNS-ers. Fun people to hang out with.. I got dragged everywhere and no-where and seen some pretty amazing things.

-Switserland, i kinda begged myself into that but it was rather awsome. we went there for the Japanimanga night, and i met Marina there.. who i concern one of the crazyest people i ever met.
-GNS (games 'n stuff) gained myself a permanent spot on the Schmick team there, that is rather awsome! especially because after one time they kept coming to me for advice how to do things.. while i didn't have much practice. But it seems i have natural skills here.

On larp front this was the most hectic year ever, never done so many larps in so little time. Omen, Lands in Exile, Vortex, Quon, de Dwaler, the kids larps, Badgers Business and Legendfalls.. what a year that was!

i (wisely) decided to skipp on EE's Extinction and Loreley's Zombielarp for not feeling up to it.

love-wise it's been a rollercoaster.
As said before, my relationship with John stranded just after i got my own ' appartment' he was having doubts and a couple of weeks later i teid the knot and said fare well.

one minute dad was threathening me to get out or to been put on the street, and a mear two weeks later i suddenly had a house! well, house.. 1 32M2 appartement on the 14th floor of a flat in Zaandam, but still.. a place of my own.

right after i signed the papers of my new place, i got offered a new job! 9 to 5, monday till friday desk job.. at a hearingaid shop. Nothing i had ever done before but i was so glad to be leaving my sucky job at the Hema that i took it gladly.

In July i signed for Zaandam, In August i got my contract for Schoonenberg, and in September i really officiaaly moved into Zaandam. Leaving my city behind.
Just after i moved into Zaandam in September, i allso got another thing i really wanted. My tatoo! Still very happy with that.

so, now it's 2012. I'm still happy in Zaandam, allthough the house is far from done. It's getting there though. slowly but steady.
and 212 allso braught me a new love, funny how that goes.

all in all i think 2011 was a really good year. it has braught me a lot of good things.

let's hope 2012 does the same, apocalypse or not ;)


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