Dec 15, 2004 18:52
whooooooaaaaaaa bitch. it has been a long time since i've updated this bad baby boy. it's not that things haven't been happening. it's just that the longer i go without updating...the more i find this journal obsolete. i used to write in here when i was upset and it really never even helped. the only thing this journal is really good for is when funny things happen. *for instance*: we were at denny's and james couldn't understand the concept of cubed we argue forever...he insists that no...there can be no squared potatoes. and then he says..."OH, YOU MEAN POTATOES O'BRIAN!". and i'm not even sure how it got brought up but something about indians on a ship carving out potatoes with their "chippers" came into play. oh god...i absolutely lost it...and then when benny says it would have to be a canoe...not a ship, he realized that james was meaning to say "chisel", benny, cody, beth, and james ALL lost it. then i said, "oh my god...i just peed a little bit...i did..." hahahahahaha. there was about a minute of silence because noone could catch their breath from laughing so hard. well yeah...that's about it. terrible service so i'll never go there again...but that made for a great memory. good times. christmas time is here...yay. this is the first christmas where i've actually been able to buy gifts for people and i'm proud of myself for that. all out my own pocket. i'm actually pretty selfless when it comes to making those i care about happy. what's better is i'm pretty sure that everyone likes what i got them. anywho...cold weather is nice. i need a scarf of my own. get me one for christmas. bye bye.