i watch too much tv. thank god for hbo.(sometimes)

Jun 15, 2007 04:25

does anyone besides me watch Big Love? i adore it. bill paxton is one hot peice, yo. i find the cultish practice of polygamy generally pretty appalling, but still fascinating. but whats more fascinating than the lead characters' lifestyles and their (unclear) beliefs is how normal bill and his family(?families?) really are. you get to a point where you root for these people. for gods sake, theyre less creepy and less weird than my own neighbors, altho that aint sayin much. ps- let me be the first to reccommend harry dean stanton for white trash sainthood. that guy is fuckin awesome.

the new show on hbo is called john from cincinatti, or as i call it, "the show that got deadwood cancelled." its decent, the acting is ok, and the main character is pretty adorable, but its not even close to deadwood in any capacity. god, i miss that show. and if this new one turns out to be some sort of 'angels among us' bullshit like i suspect, i will be extra pissed. not to mention they wasted talent(mediocre talent, but still) like luis guzman, who plays a beaner sidekick, beverly d'angelo, who plays a trashy/hot grandma, and ed o'neill, who plays a poor old fart. its the kind of show that makes those people lood bad, and people like luke perry (who plays the sleazy surf agent) look good. maybe if i didnt know that it was the show that got deadwood cancelled, id think it was pretty ok. for about 10 minutes.

the last episode of the sopranos was kind of disappointing for me, tho im not surprised in the least. im not saying it wasnt good, i just expected better, i guess. maybe i got confused and thought i was watching season 1.

in case you havent caught it yet, heres the cut.
lemme just say that i knew phil would be leaving us, and bobby too. (altho i wished the latter hadnt happened.)i also hate it that silvio got shot, but at least paulys still good. i LOVED the thing with him and the cat(lol!)! christopher reincarnated! and at least tony FINALLY kicked the crap out of AJ, the fucking brat. i wasnt crazy about the way the whole thing ended, i mean so suddenly at the end. it was a perfectly nice scene symbolizing americana and then BAM- sudden cut to silent end credits. my cousin said she thought that we, as an audience, were whacked. interesting enough, but since ive heard theyre making a sopranos movie, i dont know how true it is. im not sure how true the rumor of a movie is, either, based on an interview i read with david chase. the guy is a total dick. he really thinks he owes us viewers nothing at all. he'd be nothing without that goddamn show, but he basically told us to suck it with that last episode. with the whole last couple seasons really. asshole.
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