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THIS When Silas woke up, he was more than disoriented, and it took him a few moments to even realise what way the bed was facing. It was a nice bed, though. Double, soft mattress, lots of pillows. Pretty much as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. The plan had been for them to go to the store for some groceries, then come back and meet Tyra's friends for awhile before going to bed to catch up on some sleep. It hadn't gone down like that, though. Silas made it half way through the grocery shopping before he was bolting out into the car park to throw up all the apple pies and shake he had consumed on the drive to Dillon. As predicted, however, he did feel a little better after it. They finished the grocery shopping and after one more need to pull over for him to throw up again on the way to their destination, he was feeling a lot better. But exhausted.
When they got to Jason's place, the host was out cold in his own room, but had let Tyra know where he left the spare key outside. Tyra and Silas let themselves into the quiet house and quietly put the cold stuff away in the (very empty) fridge before deciding to get a nap themselves. Silas realised he must have passed out without a second thought. The room was dark now and the only light was from the digital clock which told him it was after seven pm. He'd been asleep for ages. He was also alone, but the covers were tucked in neatly around him and he found himself smiling. It had been a long time - probably since Megan - that he had a nice relationship thing like this. He cared about Tyra, and she seemed to really care about him, despite the questionable way they came together. He swung his legs out of the bed and nearly accidentally planted them in a bucket and he had to laugh. She had been worried about him earlier in the day, and now she really was taking care of him like she said she would. It was nice. All the most recent times he'd been sick, he had to take care of himself. His Mom hardly even realised anything was wrong and just told him to drink lots of water. Whatever. Silas just couldn't bring himself to care any more.
After a quick stop at the bathroom for a pee and to wash his face, he made his way hesitantly into the living room, hovering a little awkwardly in the doorway. Tyra was sitting there in one of the arm chairs, with a guy who was on the sofa with a wheelchair parked in easy reach. That must be Jason, obviously. They were talking quietly, so Silas cleared his throat and padded over towards Tyra's chair, leaning against it. "Hey," he greeted them both sheepishly. "Sorry I'm late." He leaned over, holding his hand out to Jason. "I'm Silas," he introduced himself.
Jason hadn't realised Tyra's 'friend' had joined them until he appeared and spoke. He smiled up at the guy and reached up for his hand, just brushing it against Silas'. "Jason. Sorry I technically can't shake your hand, dude. This is as good as it gets. Take a seat," he told him. When Jason had woken up early and realised his guests had arrived, he made an effort to wash up and get dressed. he didn't think a drunk dude getting around in love heart boxers was going to make the right impression. He still looked like crap. He knew that from the way Tyra balked a little when she saw him, but politely didn't say anything right up. She would probably loudly and proudly tell him later that he looked like shit, as was Tyra's style. Jason was really happy to see her, and he realised it was nice to have company. It gave him a reason to actually make an effort and not just wallow in self-pity. Now he was meeting her new guy, and Jason had to admit he was pretty easy on the eyes. Right up Tyra's alley. And nice. Jason got a positive vibe off the guy immediately and shot Tyra a smile so she wouldn't remain uptight that he wasn't going to like Silas.
Tyra smiled back at Jason, sharing a look with him. Even though she probably would never admit to it, it was still important for him to like Silas. Jason was the person that changed Tyra's life. She owed him a lot, and she was grateful that they'd managed to become frineds despite everything. She took Silas' hand in hers and glanced up at him to check he wasn't about to fall over, or collapse. She had no idea when she'd managed to actually grow a nurturing side, let alone when Silas had started bringing it out in her. She'd never really been like this with anyone else. She would have let most guys just fend for themselves and left them to it.
Outside in the cool Dillon air, Sam stood on the doorstep as she bounced from foot to foot before knocking. This time she wasn't going to sneak in Jason's window. If Tim was home, she'd deal with that soon enough. She hadn't called in advance, figuring she just needed to toughen up and deal with it face on. Jason was her best friend, she couldn't just go back on her promise, or leave him alone through all this. Not anymore. Not when she realised just how badly he'd been hurting. She hated how far her head had been lost up her ass. She didn't bother knocking again just in case Jason was stuck in bed. He'd call out soon enough if he just wanted her to come in. There had been a van parked out the front she didn't recognise. Maybe Tim had company?
She bit her lip, and sucked in a deep breath. She could deal with it. Whatever was on the other side of the door... she'd deal.
Silas had been looking down at Jason's hand, realising his fingers were curled over and he put two and two together to realise this must be part of the disability. He had reflexively taken Jason's hand anyway, more just holding it than shaking it. He didn't think they would be painful, but you never knew. He might have to jump online to trusty Google lately to find out more about it, after he asked Jason questions, if the guy didn't mind answering them. He had been about to say something, and sit down when there was a knocking at the door. The psuedo-handshake had released, so Silas pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Want me to grab that? I'm already up anyway," he offered. It was the least he could do. Tyra looked comfortable and Jason looked tired, besides the fact he would need to get into the chair and all that. This was going to be a learning curve for Silas, but he wanted to help if he could. Jason had given them a place to stay afterall.
Jason raised his eyebrows at the offer but nodded. "Yeah, sure, dude. Cheers for that," he agreed and looked over at Tyra as Silas happily left to get the door. He looked at her questioningly, as if wondering where the hell she managed to collect a nice guy like Silas from without him being a petty crim or something. Still, even if the guy was a petty crim, Jason didn't care. Crims could be nice, right?
Silas tugged his t-shirt down as he made is way up the hall in the direction the knocking at come from. He raked his fingers through his blond hair and yawned a little as he unlocked the chain and pulled the door open. "Hey," he greeted the girl standing there with a smile. "Come in." If she was a murderer, it wasn't on his head.
"Ah..." Sam faltered a little at seeing a guy she didn't know answer the door. She almost turned her head to check she had the right place, but of course she knew she had the right place. "Thanks..." she murmured, still looking at him like she would get some kind of answer. "Um, is J home? I don't wanna interrupt if there's somethin' goin' on, or if... ah, it's just, um, T. Just wanted to check J was okay after last night." Sam was still rambling as she walked into the main room. She let out a sudden rush of air at seeing Jason and Tyra. "Tyra, hey," she greeted the other blonde.
Suddenly the strange guy made sense and Sam smiled as she turned to face him with her hand out. "I'm Sam, and I'm guessin' you're a friend of the this T's. Nice t'meet ya."
Tyra smiled at Sam as she gave the girl a small wave, and shifted in her chair to move so that she was sitting on the arm of it, that way Silas could come sit with her. She hadn't had a chance to ask him if he was feeling better yet, so she wasn't going to try and sit in his lap. "Well, look at that. Gang's just about all here. All we're missin' is a Riggins."
Silas was fucking glad she had just automatically followed him because his head was starting to spin wondering if she was talking in some sort of code he wasn't privy to. He was barely managing to wrap his head around the full names, let alone the code names. His tongue had been sitting between his lips as he listened to her and his brain tried to slot the pieces into place. He got as far as figuring out J was Jason before his brain packed up, took it's ball and went home. He took her hand and shook it, finding himself looking down at her fingers too. What the hell? It wasn't like quadriplegia was catching, was it? He was going to blame the hint of food poisoning he had earlier on any stupid thing he did from this point forward for approximately two days while he started to process Tyra's world. "Silas. It's nice to meet you, Sam," he introduced himself politely and then gratefully took the seat beside Tyra, almost like retreating into a safety zone.
Jason had been absorbing the scene with interest. Silas looked a little like he felt out of place, so Jason figured they should try and ease that. He was going to be staying here afterall. He hadn't thought to ask Tyra for how long, either, figuring it would be just a couple of days. But Jason really wouldn't mind if it was long. The room wasn't being used and he was mostly around here on his own anyway. He pulled himself forward in the seat, reaching for his chair. "We'll still be missing a Riggins, too. He ain't coming home tonight," he revealed. "Anyone want anything to eat or drink? Maybe get some pizza in?"
Tyra slipped her arm around Silas' shoulders and kissed the top of his head as she smiled. He was cute when he looked all confused. She glanced at Jason, her blue eyes sparkling. Silas was definitely a good guy, and even she had to wonder how she caught him, but lucky for her he really was just as fucked up as they were. Not to mention he was a weed dealer. That little detail hadn't been revealed just yet. It was up to Silas if and when. "We bought drinks and a little food with us when we got here. I'm startin' to wonder what the fuck you've been livin' on Jason since there wasn't anythin' in ya fridge or cupbouards." Her glance slid to Sam briefly, wondering why she hadn't been supplying Jason with food. "Pizza sounds good, though."
Sam took off her jacket but stayed standing in case Jason wanted her to get drinks for anyone. "Pizza does sound pretty good. And I'm sorry for the rambling before," she said to Silas. "It's been a while since we had an outsider. I promise to use full names and stuff. Feel free to ask anythin', too. Ain't many secrets here."
"You guys really didn't have to do that," Jason told them as he pulled himself into the wheelchair without much effort. It had been three years since the accident now and all the doctors and nurses had been right, he did eventually find his way with it all. His upper body was aching, though, from lack of use. The last couple of days with the talking he had finally managed to do, he realised he needed to get his finger out and make a bit of an effort. He had come to the conclusion that Mac wasn't coming back. He needed to try and move on without her. He just wasn't sure he could. "But thank you for going out of your way like that, especially after the long drive. I know you weren't feeling well, too, Silas. You right if we get pizza?"
Silas nodded and waved his hand. "Yeah, sure. I'm up for anything. Well, I think so. I'll give it a shot, anyway. I can work with anything that doesn't come with the golden arches." He looked up at Tyra with a smile and rested his hand on her thigh, squeezing it softly. He was glad what she had said was reality. Jason was a nice guy and Sam seemed nice too, despite the initial rambling. He would be lying if he didn't admit, though, that he was glad Tyra's ex wasn't here at the moment. He might need to work up to that meeting, hone his self-control skills. He looked back at Sam with a smile. "Tyra's been filling me in on some stuff. Mostly because I keep asking stupid questions that she has no choice but to answer."
"Of course we did," Tyra said with a slight snort. Her fingers were playing with the hair at the nape of Silas' neck, and she realised she liked this. She liked being comfortable enough with someone to keep up the physical contact without needing to jump them, or assume it would always lead to sex. Sometimes it was just nice being together. "Who else is gonna get food? If Tim ain't here much then he's hardly gonna care. 'Sides, his idea of dinner was usually a grilled cheese sandwich and beer. Ya gotta eat right. It's all well and good bein' depressed, but it's important t'have the right energy t'be depressed." Tyra was teasing a little, and she winked at Jason so he knew. She wasn't actually trying to make it worse for him.
Sam watched Tyra and Silas and tried not to let it show on her face just how much it was making her hurt. She also didn't want to look too disappointed that Tim wasn't going to be here. As scared as she was to face him, it was even worse not being around him. She put a smile on her face, and even laughed a little. "I'm tryin' to hope that Tyra only had good things t'say, but somehow I doubt it. And there's no such thing as a stupid question. Ya gotta learn about us somehow, right? So where'd ya come from? How long ya been in Texas. Ya can't be a native with no accent."
Silas had let his head fall further back against Tyra's hand, his mouth hanging open just a little as he fell comfortably into the feel of her fingers stroking his neck. It felt really good. Lucky he wasn't a cat, or he would probably be purring right now. "Grilled cheese and beer is win, though," he felt the need to protest, even if it was half-heartedly. Grilled cheese had always been one of his favourites, usually what his Mom tried to sweet-talk him with if they'd had a fight or he was moping. "Um, originally? California. A town called Agre- Majestic. But it burnt down. Last I heard they were trying to build it up again. We moved to Ren Mar in San Diego a couple of years back, so that's where I've come from. Now I'm hanging out in Texas for awhile. I might be an outsider, but I'm apparently just as fucked up as the rest of you," he told them with a smirk, remembering his conversation with Tyra.
Jason sniggered, the phone cupped between his ear and shoulder as he was put on hold with the pizza place. It was always busy at this time of night. He went to the fridge and collected a six pack of beer and a six pack of Coke, both of them sitting in his lap as he brought them over. "She told me the same thing. Affectionately, of course. Apparently you have a really nice dick, too."
Tyra might have blushed if she'd actually been embarrassed by what she'd said, but she wasn't. "I only speak the truth. Who needs perfect, anyway? It's all relative. If none of us were flawed life wouldn't be interestin'. I don't need some metrosexual jackass who likes his bank balance better than havin' fun." She turned her head to look down at him, smirking a little at the way his mouth was hanging open slightly.
Sam held up a hand. "No arguments about the grilled cheese and beer. Just might need t'switch it up a little with other food. We had the guys eatin' pretty good before. We all went on a health kick when Tim had t'get ready for trainin' again." Sam's smile faltered and she shrugged it off. "California, really? I always wanted t'go to Disneyland. That part of the country always seemed so pretty. Texas is... Texas. Big, and fulla fields, or large buildings. So is Tyra why ya came to Texas?" Sam moved to help Jason with the six packs, taking one of the cans of Coke before she sat on the sofa with enough room for Jason to join her. "How'd ya meet?" She grinned at Tyra and waggled her eyebrows. "We don't see ya for months, and ya bring him back? Nice work, Collette."
Silas probably should have been embarrassed too, but he had grown up around Uncle Andy, so he just wasn't. He was hard to embarrass in general. He shrugged. "I can't complain," he admitted. "Neither can others, it seems. It's had workouts from an early age. And just to make a point, I really do like having a healthy bank balance, but it's not the be all and end all." He let his eyes fall closed. She had maybe found a Spot. He didn't even realise when he made a small noise of contentment and his head dropped in against her hip.
Jason ended the pizza call and tossed his cell onto the sofa. He had automatically ordered four large pizzas, usually needing that quantity between them when Tim was around. It actually meant there would be a large pizza to each person and Jason wasn't even sure if Silas would eat much. Tyra said he'd thrown up twice on the way here and then he'd been asleep for ages. But on the upside, cold pizza for breakfast was win. Jason smirked and gestured to Tyra accusingly. "You so made him just make a sex noise. If he comes on that chair, you're cleaning it up," he insisted.
Sam giggled as she covered her mouth, the jealousy gone as she watched two people who seemed to very much have found a connection. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Tyra like this with someone. Even Tim. "Okay, so you like a healthy bank balance, but you're not a metrosexual jackass as Tyra so wonderfully put it. And it looks like you know how to have fun. Sounds like it, too."
Tyra smirked at Jason and flipped him off with a wink. "If he comes on that chair, I'm gonna be pretty put out. Such a waste of perfectly good sperm." Tyra looked down at Silas, a soft smile on her lips again. She filed away the location of the Spot for future use, but she was still more than content to keep teasing it. Especially if it had Silas so relaxed. She used her other hand to brush his hair back from his forehead. "You comfy there, baby?"
"I don't even know what a metrosexual is, but it sounds painful," Silas decided. He indulged a few more minutes longer in the comfortable stroking before he opened his eyes and looked up at Tyra sheepishly. He nodded. "It's not my fault you know how to use your hands, babe." He reluctantly raised his head again with a yawn. He was still a little lethargic, despite the long sleep. He had to put it down to being relaxed, though. He couldn't remember the last time he just hung out with friends. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he hung out in any situation that wasn't trying to drum up business or grow more weed. He hadn't had mates like this in a very long time. Once he went in on the business, that's what about everything revolved around. Probably why he ended up sleeping with an older woman rather than someone his own age. That's why the internet is a wonderful place. "I know I'm about five minutes too late, but we met online. Some random chat community. Then I bought the van, jumped in and drove to Texas. Just because I could. There wasn't much keeping me home. It's not like I was in college or anything."
Jason decided to stay in his chair, at least until the pizza came. He had a little more mobility that way and it wasn't like he could get a numb ass when it was already numb, was it? Hopefully Silas wouldn't feel too strange about that situation. Being around Jason for any length of time usually meant people had to go about things a little differently. It was second nature to his friends. He realised then how empty the room still felt without Mac. It was like it was missing a piece. She would have loved Silas, probably got along with him really well. Watching Tyra with her new attraction, too, meant Jason was automatically trying not to let his mind linger on missing Mac too long or he would end up in a sobbing mess again like he had done with Sam the night before. He glanced over at Sam, gratitude in his eyes. Despite being a little ashamed of letting himself break down like that, he appreciated it. "Did you leave a job back there? Tyra said something about a business. Is someone running it for you while you're away? Or did you just come here for a fresh start? Ain't like any of us here are foreign with fresh starts. We've basically all tried. I think Tyra's the only one who ain't fallen flat on her face in the process."
Tyra grinned as she waved her hand. "Well, there was this one time when I made the mistake of wearing heels to one of my classes... Something about ladies footwear and stairs just don't mix in higher education. Me and Silas have actually been discussin' my academic pursuits recently. Not so sure business was the right choice. Actually, that's somethin' I wanted t'talk to ya about, Jason. Maybe not right now though, don't need to drag the conversation down with talk of studyin'." After a moment Tyra decided to slide down into Silas' lap and take her turn at behind comfortable. Her arm hung loosely around his shoulders, and she stole a quick kiss as she smiled at him. "Best random travel plans ever as far as I'm concerned. He even agreed to follow me here. Who woulda thought good things actually could come from talkin' to strangers online?"
Sam took a sip from her Coke before she caught the glance from Jason and smiled. She knew it had to be hard for him, but she was still oddly proud of him for breaking down. It had to be the start of the healing process, didn't it? "You have ya own business? Wow, that's so impressive. I just slave all day for a supermarket. Ain't so smart as to be in college, or have my own business. J was in the real estate gig for a little while with Tim, Billy, and Herc. I tell ya, those boys actually did pretty well. Thought for a little while they'd wind up blowin' the place up."
Silas made sure she was comfortable without squishing him too much. Any other time, he probably would have pulled her more firmly into his lap, but his stomach was still sensitive, even if he was feeling loads better than he had early that day. At the time, he was surely swearing off apple pies forever. Maybe now he would take that back. It had to be the shake, or the lack of decent sleep and trying to travel on top of it. There was only so long a body would fuel on weed and Red Bull. "Never did understand the appeal of high heels. They look as uncomfortable as all shit." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag, letting it dangle between his fingers. "I sell weed," he said with a shrug. There wasn't much point concealing it if he was supposed to give some to Jason and his mate. The one who wasn't here. "Actually, I don't just sell it, I grow it, nurture it, and then sell it."
Jason shook his head and held up his hand. "Never fucking doing business with a Riggins again. Herc, well, I nearly belted Herc's face in. Reminds me. I need to catch up with him soon. And I had reasons to make that work. Ain't sure I would be so good without something fuelling me." When Silas pulled the bag out and let it dangle between his fingers, Jason's mouth dropped open a little at the healthy collection of leafy matter inside it. Well, well, well. He was a petty crim.
Tyra and Sam both seemed to be watching Jason rather than Silas. As if waiting for the formber QB1 to give his okay on Silas' business would be the make or break of this potential new friendship among the four of them.
Tyra was the first to break the silence though as she cleared her throat. "As much as I appreciate ya heart is breakin' over Mac not bein' here, I'm kinda glad she ain't. Figure as a cop she'd probably be inclined to wanna do somethin' about Silas, right? As sexy as he might look in a jumpsuit, I'd rather he stayed outta jail." She pressed her lips together and raised her eyebrows at Jason. "Still breathin', Jason?"
Sam ran her fingers through her hair before she let out a whistle. "So ya pretty much got the whole process covered, huh? That's impressive, Silas. Real ambitious. Ya must be good at it."
Silas felt his nose scrunch up at the comment. Tyra couldn't have thought to mention before this point that Jason's Mac person was a cop? How were they supposed to try and get her back with Silas hanging around? No way was Silas going to quit his work if she did. He would just have to... move on, or something. He looked up at Tyra, his face unreadable. He was maybe slightly pissed off, but there was no going back now. He wasn't sure why she would ask him to supply if Jason had been dating a cop. Silas and his family spent most of their time avoiding law enforcement and now he was in an uncomfortable position. He stuffed bag back into his pocket, clearing his throat. "So, Sam. Do you clean up outside the supermarkets? Anywhere near the shopping carts? You might want to get someone else to do that for now. It's not pretty." He turned his head away from Tyra and took a sip of his beer.
Jason felt the temperature drop in the room and the tension increase. It was probably his fault for remaining silent. He really didn't mean to do that, it was just the last thing he expected the bloke to say. "Mac smokes weed," he offered with a small shrug. "She does. Also had sex and drunk before she was legal. She grew up in Dillon afterall." He looked between Tyra and Silas. "She's also not here and not coming back, so..." He shrugged and cleared his throat too, turning to his own beer.
Sam bit her lip as she shifted in her seat. She looked at Tyra, and the other blonde seemed to understand she'd made a slip. Tyra was looking guilty, and Sam knew that meant it was serious. She never usually felt bad about anything she said, even when she knew she was wrong. Her gaze slipped to Silas and she blinked as comprehension slowly dawned. "That was you? I wasn't at work today, but I heard about it. I, ah... had t'take a couple days off. And J's right. Mac totally smokes weed and did all the usually teenage naughty things we Dillion-ites do. She ain't uptight, or anythin'. Not even sure she'd bother bustin' ya ass. Doesn't mean she's corrupt, just means she's... um..." Sam glanced at Jason to try and get him to give her the right word, but bringing up Mac hadn't been a great move on anyone's part.
"Understandin'," Tyra said quietly. She rubbed her fingers against her forhead before she looked at Silas, the guilt still plain on her face. "I'm sorry, darlin'. I shoulda said. I didn't mean t'keep it from ya. I wasn't tryin' to stitch ya up, or anythin'. It didn't actually cross my mind 'til now that there might be a problem. And I don't think there will be." Tyra looked down taking her arm from around Silas as she fidgeted with her hands in her lap. She couldn't stop cursing herself internally. If she was going to fuck it up, it may as well be in front of company. So much for not falling flat on her face. So much for improving her track record with guys. "Shit," she murmured.
Shit, indeed. Silas felt awkward, but he didn't want it to be like this. He felt bad for clearly dumping Jason in a spot he had to justify the girlfriend that walked out on him. At first, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say and the fact he puked in the supermarket car park would only hold up for so many comments. He wasn't entirely convinced his stomach wasn't trying to claw it's way out of him again now, but he knew it was just anxiety. That tends to happen when you worry about getting busted for possession and dealing. Even if she was in New York. The side of him that was influenced by his Mom was telling him to get in his van and piss the fuck off ASAP. But he was here to get away from her shit, wasn't he? Even if the chick smoked a bit of weed in her past, she was a cop now and duty-bound to drag him in if she knew. Drugs wasn't something that generally was looking lightly upon in the States. He drummed his fingers on the side of his beer bottle as he tried to sort the situation out in his mind. "Don't worry, guys, it's fine," he finally said, just to break the silence. No way was he supplying to any of them now, though.
Jason sat forward in his chair, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Listen, man. We're sorry about this. I promise you, though, Mac takes care of her own. She's not... she's..." He struggled and swallowed again. He was going to be fucked if he couldn't even talk about this. He looked at Tyra, knowing he needed to somehow express what was swirling through his head. "She doesn't want to be here. You probably won't even ever meet her," he finally settled on. It was blatant truth, even if it did hurt. "And if she was, she wouldn't do anything. You just gotta trust me on that. She ain't naive enough to not know that sometimes things are just... not right."
Sam just nodded in agreement before she reached forward to help herself to a beer, to hell with the Coke. "Well, damn if this ain't all as awkward as hell. Just when ya were lookin' so cute, and everythin'. Don't let this stop ya both from bein' all infatuated. I think somethin' ya gotta know, New S, is that those of raised in Dillon can have some serious fuckin' foot in mouth problems. It's a genetic thing. Probably a Texan thing, too. I know the accent makes us sound all awesome, and smooth as butter, but it just ain't so."
Tyra turned her head to look at Silas again, her eyes almost pleading before she covered his hand with hers. "I'm flexible enough t'get my foot in my mouth for real if that would help."
"The foot out and telling me about the cop would have worked a lot better," Silas had to tell her, looking up at her. "It's put me in an awkward position because I thought part of the reason we were here was to help-" He topped talking and pressed his lips together. Seems the foot in mouth thing wasn't isolated to Texans. His eyes shifted apologetically to Jason. "I threw up this afternoon. That's my story and I'm sticking to it," he offered sheepishly.
Jason looked between Tyra and Silas, then glanced at Sam. Well, they may as well air all their dirty laundry in the first meeting, right? "I've seen Tim's cock and fucked Sam," he offered with a shrug. "I also threw up on Coach Taylor's desk after practice one day and blamed it on Tim. I wet my pants in school when I was seven, blamed that on Tim too. Illegal-wise, I once broke into a dude's car when I was dared by the rest of the team. And while we're at it, do you have any spare joints, because I could really do with getting high right now."
Sam nodded as she pointed at Jason. "What he said. Well, most of it. I, um... I had an abortion. I'm not proud of it. Never used to talk about it much either, but it doesn't seem like such a dark secret. J knew, and now Tyra knows, and you know. I shoplifted a couple things as a kid - ironic workin' in a supermarket now. Clearly I've seen Tim's cock. I used t'have a crush on Billy Riggins when I was eleven."
Tyra smiled gratefully at her friends, and slipped her arm back around Silas as she kissed his temple. "Ya already know all my deep, dark secrets. The other reason Cash wasn't so good for me was 'cause he was deep in gamblin' debt. I ran away to Dallas with him while I was bein' stupid. He, ah... he left me in a bar with some pretty questionable guys. He also nearly beat me. He woulda if the Coach and Mrs T hadn't come to rescue. I don't ever wanna be in that position again. I ain't anyone's property." Tyra's fingers found their way back to the Spot as she watched him. "I really am sorry, Silas."
Jason was watching them both closely. For some reason, he just had this feeling Silas was going to be a permanent fixture now. Sure, the guy was antsy and nervous in the new company, but he would find his feet and see they all had their crosses the bear. Some of them heavier than others. "I also tried to take my own life after my accident. Threw myself off the back of a boat when it all got too much. I probably would have done something like sell weed if someone thought I could be good at it. I ended up selling cars and making a complete idiot out of myself in the process. One thing about Dillon is even if we've all done some shit things, we also know the power of an honest living and taking care of those around us. If you want, we won't tell Mac about what you do. It can just stay between us, but it's your call, dude. Completely your call. Ain't no judging here. It would be hypocritical if we did."
Silas nodded as he listened and then took a joint out of his pocket and handed it over to Jason. He was taken aback at some of the stories. The boat attempted suicide and the abortion. He looked at Sam silently. "My girlfriend got an abortion, a few years back. She wanted to go to college," he told her and then met Tyra's eyes finally. They probably would need to talk some more. It was a hurdle, but they were still finding their feet with each other. His hand went back to her thigh as he nursed his beer. "It really sucked."
Sam raised her beer a little in a toast. "I know. Sometimes I regret it, but at the time I thought I was doing the right thing. I wasn't ready to be a momma. After I told T I found out he woulda actually stepped up t'the plate. It wasn't his, but he woulda helped." She glanced at Tyra then at Jason, holding his gaze for a moment. "He can get a lot of things wrong, but somehow manages to get some of the big stuff right. Need me t'light that for ya, J?"
Tyra relaxed as Silas' hand found her thigh. No doubt there would be a lot of talking. She figured it was okay as long as there was no yelling like he said before. She realised just how lost she was when a relationship wasn't crumbling from the beginning. She had no idea how to deal with things when they tripped up and she wanted to find her feet again. She could do the yelling and the storming out. That wasn't what she wanted with Silas. She wanted it to work. And that knowledge surprised her, but she didn't let it show. She dipped her head, nuzzling it against his neck in comfort.
"Do you even have a light?" Jason asked with a snort, smirking at her. He leaned over to the coffee table, pulling the drawer out with his thumb to look for a lighter. "Tim's a bastard, but he does it so well. What all you chicks never seem to realise, though, is when he wants something to work, he really does try. He just ain't always sure what he's supposed to do to pull it off. And think about it. His mentor has been Billy. Billy Riggins ain't any footsteps to be following in. No offense, T. I know he's your brother-in-law," he added, sniggering at Tyra and blowing her a kiss.
Silas leaned over with his own expensive lighter, flicking the flame and holding it up for Jason. Jason leaned forward and Silas lit the joint for him. The cop ex issue would just have to sit in the sidelines for the moment. The guy really did sound like he could use some good weed, and Silas new his product was better than good. It had quite the rep on the West Coast. He gave Tyra a brief kiss in response, his arm wrapping around her waist. "Settle something for us, Sam," he began and lit up a second joint. He actually needed a hit himself to help him relax. "When you argued with the dude, did he try to tell you he wasn't kissing the other daughter of the mommy fucker?"
"I coulda found one," Sam offered in her defence. She sat back with her beer between her legs, and gaped at Silas for a long moment before she choked out a laugh. "The other daughter? Christ, Lyla's baby sucubus sister ain't anywhere near old enough t'be fuckin' a Riggins yet... thank God. Plus she lives somewhere else with their Mom." She pulled her mouth to the side, still looking at Silas as she gave a shake of her head. "And no, he didn't. I know I fucked up. But thanks for joinin' in on the I told ya so chorus." She gave him a little smile to show she wasn't being a bitch. It was quickly followed by a long swig of her beer. No way was this conversation playing out sober.
Jason merely snorted as the Garritys got brought up in conversation. "Give her fucking time," he scoffed bitterly. He managed to find a spot between his thumb and finger to hold the joint, even if it looked awkward. He put it to his lips and took a long, drawn out hit of it, not even coughing as it filled his lungs. It was pretty much an indicator that he was old hand at it. It was definitely not the first time he had smoked pot. He might have been the good, clean face of Dillon when he was QB, but looks could be deceiving. He was Tim Riggins' best friend. He blew the smoke out in a stream and looked at Silas appreciatively. "Dude. That is fucking awesome product. Hits straight to all the right places. If I could get on my knees, I would fucking worship you."
Silas took a drag on his own joint, Jason's expertise with the weed not going unnoticed. "Well honed, man. I told you I was good at what I do. I used to own a medicinal marijuana business, until a fuckwad fucked it up for me. I'm thinking of going into it again. Did you try it when you were recovering?" he asked. Silas had supplied paraplegics in his business, but never someone with Jason's level of injuries. He held up his other hand, it leaving Tyra's hip briefly. "Hey, I wasn't saying I told you so. Not even close. I was just curious if, knowing the chick's history, if it crossed your mind that she might have instigated. But you don't have to tell me anything. You don't even know me, love."
Tyra watched the two boys with amusement. Trust them to bond over pot. Still, she was glad. Even if she'd fucked it up herself, she was still relieved to know Jason, Silas, and Sam were getting on. She took Silas' joint of him after he'd taken a drag, holding it to her lips as she took a hit of her own. It was the first time she'd tried the product he was so proud of. "Fuck..." she murmured as she breathed out the smoke. "Jason's right. And I can get on my knees, and I am definitely worshippin' ya later when he ain't in any danger of seein' ya dick."
Sam just smirked as she watched him all. Then she looked at Silas again. "It crossed my mind after I calmed down, but I couldn't do anythin' about it. By the time me and Mac were in the car, that was it. Fate didn't gimme a chance. For some reason there was just this silent break-up while I was in the hospital. I still don't even really know what happened, or how. I just know seein' 'em... Even if it was Lyla comin' onto him, it just hurt. I couldn't help how I reacted. It was stupid, and I wish like hell it had never happened... Then none of it woulda happened." She shrugged a little. "But I can't go back and change time. I just gotta try and make T understand I'm sorry, and that I know I'm wrong."
When the conversation veered again, this time to Tim and Lyla, Jason had rested the joint down on an empty plate left on the coffee table and turfed the straw in his beer in favour of lifting it with both hands and drinking it all down in one go. He hiccuped and picked the joint up again, taking another heavy hit of it. In the wake of everything, it seems he was still sensitive about the subject of Tim and Lyla himself. It was like that lead to all the rest of the crap in his life. Silas and his weed were definitely well-placed at that moment. He didn't make any comment, though. Just reached for another bottle of beer and used the special bottle opener he had to get the cap off.
Silas hoped the pizza would get here soon, because it couldn't be healthy for Jason to be hitting the booze like that on an empy stomach, and the MILF weed had a tendency to really kick the munchies into overdrive. "Sounds like if you do make amends, you just need to learn to give the dude the benefit of the doubt a bit more. I don't know him from a cow's butt, but just putting all the pieces together, he doesn't sound like a saint. In saying that, speaking from experience, one day sooner or later, you gotta stop tarring him with the same idiot brush or he'll just keep doing whatever everyone expects him to do. Why should he change if no one thinks he can pull it off?"
Sam couldn't help but start to laugh. "Ya give out free fortunes with all ya weed? Ya know, you're a pretty smart cookie. I'll definitely give ya that. Where were ya four months ago?"
Tyra was actually smiling a little proudly. She gave Silas a soft kiss as she gave him his joint back. "Smart, great with plants, cooks, and fucks like a demon. I totally scored with him." She pointed at Jason and Sam. "You two so need to have some fun. At least this is gonna kick things off."
Jason held the joint up in a mock toast. He had been silent for a little while now. Hopefully the weed would pull him out of his funk. He didn't want to be a bad host and piss off to bed, even if he was sorely tempted to do so in light of the conversation topics. And it really was good pot. If they started talking about sex, though, he really was going to need to exit stage left. 'I have a useless cock' was really going to be a conversation dampener. He hadn't had a boner of any sort since the accident, not that he had tried particularly hard. He gestured to Sam. "Listen to the dude. Sounds like he knows what he's on about. I ain't touching the demon comment," he added with a snort.
"Do demons fuck?" Silas piped up, genuinely curious. "What about, like, zombies?" He scrunched his nose up and shook his head. "Let's not go there. Blood and guts I'm not sure I have the stamina for tonight. Blood is okay if it's not me bleeding. I hate doctors."
Sam shuddered as she got a visual of zombies fucking in her head, and limbs falling off. "I'm all for forgettin' about demons fuckin'. I think blood is always okay when it ain't y'self bleedin'." Sam gave Jason a look before she moved up the end of the sofa closest to him to ruffle his hair. "I'm listenin', J Six. Don't worry, my head ain't goin' up my ass again. I'm done with that."
Tyra just laughed, stretching her legs out to rest them on the end of the coffee table. "At least we know one thing. You're a talker just like us," she smiled as she tilted her head back to look up at Silas. "See? Ya didn't have anythin' t'fear. Survive tonight and my Momma's gonna be a walk in the park."
Silas held his hand up, blowing a stream of smoke up to the ceiling. "Well, it's not like I can ply her with weed, is it?" he pointed out wryly. He looked between them all again and then pointed to Jason with the joint. "I was about to suggest we play Truth or Dare, but we already did the whole bonding thing over deepest and darkest. Still, no reason why we can't. I'm not suggesting spin the bottle. Not one of you lot here need to be kissing anyone else when you're hearts are all broken. It'll just make you feel worse."
Jason sniggered. "Truth of Dare? Fuck, it's been years since I played. Just bear in mind, there ain't no naked streaking for me. Those days are over. Takes me fucking twenty minutes to to get my friggen pants off," he said, with another swig of his beer. "But alright. I'm up for it."
Tyra tugged gently on Silas' hair. "Sure ya don't want me kissin' Sam? Might've been quite the show. Never did ask ya about turn ons other than bein' naked." She managed to grasp a bottle of beer with her toes and bent her leg so she could take it with her hands and crack it open. "Truth, or dare, huh? Well, guess it's just the three of us that are in for naked streakin'."
Sam rolled her eyes. "This ain't gonna end well, I can already tell. It's all fun and games 'til someone gets their dick in a vice, or admits to killin' a man in Reno just t'watch him die."
Silas shook his head. "Nope, not one into lesbians, sorry. Chicks are hotter kissing dudes," he said with a shrug. "In saying that, I would so have a threesome with two chicks, no hesitation. I need to get one up on my kid brother in those stakes, lucky little shit. If we've got dusty skeletons, may as well tap into them now. I'll go first." He pointed to Jason. "Truth or dare."
Jason glanced at Tyra, wondering briefly what she had told the guy. He had the curiosity to keep a game of Truth or Dare going, anyway. Fuck only knew where this was all go. "Truth. I'm starting out lightly. I also don't wanna move yet."
"Got any tattoos or piercings?" Silas threw back. "If you say yes, you gotta say where, because as a quad, you could so get a Prince Albert and have a good laugh at the piercist."
Jason finally did laugh, almost spitting his beer everywhere but managing to swallow it before he made a mess. "And why would I want anyone laughing at my cock, dude? I'm paranoid about it enough as it is. And yeah, I've got tats." He held up his hand to show Suzy's work on his wrist. "I've also got one on my ass."
Sam grinned, sticking her hand out as she made the rock sign. "Texas forever! Don't forget the one ya got on ya bicep when I had my eighteenth. That was fuckin' killer. T went ass up 'cause it smelt like a hospital, or somethin'." She pulled up her shirt a little and pushed down her jeans to show off her own tattoo on her hip. "I think everyone in this room has ink, don't they?"
Tyra gave a nod. "I know I got a tramp stamp, but I don't care. I happen to think it's cool. Also got that one between my shoulder blades. I'm sure we'll all regret it by the time we're fifty, but hey... I say we should still enjoy 'em now."
"Needle phobia," Jason reminded her. "He was out cold in minutes. It was the first I ever heard of it." He hooked his pinkie finger into the sleeve of his t-shirt and pulled it up, looking at the loopy 6 design there in royal blue ink. When he had been with Mac, he had contemplated getting her name tattooed somewhere. Maybe it was a good thing he had never had the chance to.
Silas looked at the design on Jason's arms. "What's the 6 mean? Only one of them, so I know you're not Satan. He tends to favour red, too." He shrugged and indulged in another drag off his joint, holding the smoke in his lung to give him a harder hit. "I don't have any," he told them through a stream of exhaled smoke.
"That was my position with the Panthers. I was six basically my whole career. Just kinda stuck. It's what Riggs mostly calls me, you'll notice, when you meet him," Jason explained. "I've got a lot of football nicknames that have stuck over time."
Sam and Tyra both grinned at each other before reciting in chorus, "QB1, J Six, Six!" It was closely followed by giggles even though Tyra would adamantly deny ever giggling in her life and blame it on the weed.
She cleared her throat as she pointed at Sam. "Truth or dare?"
Sam finished off her beer and clapped her hands together as if readying herself. "Dare. I could use the shake up."
Tyra pinched Silas' joint again, inhaling deeply as she watched Sam, her mind ticking over for what evilness she could inflict upon her sometimes friend. She and Sam had never been particularly close while Tyra had dated Tim, and now Tyra better understood why. It had only been since they broke up a few years ago that Tyra had really gotten to know Sam. There was a knock on the door that might have sounded the end of the game for now but Tyra's lips twisted into a wicked smile as her eyes lit up. "I'm gonna assume that's the pizza, and I dare ya t'answer the door naked. Give the delivery boy a real show."
Jason tilted his head, the joint just about to be put back to his lips. "Better you than me," he said with a smirk. It wasn't like Sam didn't have anything he hadn't seen before, but he really, really wanted to witness the look on the delivery boy's face. Probably the best entertainment he'd had in months. At least Tyra hadn't suggested strip poker, or they could all be down to the nick in no time.
Silas had frozen initially, almost as if wondering if that was a sight he was actually allowed to witness. Wasn't she technically belonging to the other guy. Technically. I mean, they just had to get their fingers out, right? His eyes bounced back and forth between the two girls and them he cleared his throat. "No comment?" he offered, putting his beer to his lips for a large mouthful.
Tyra pulled Silas into a kiss after he'd finished with the beer and smirked as she pulled back. She covered his eyes with her hand before giving a nod of encouragement to Sam who had so far remained quiet, but Tyra noticed the wide-eyed look on her face. "C'mon, darlin'. Ya did say ya needed to shake things up. Now ya get t'shake ya ass at the delivery boy. Now ya better get stripped real quick before he leaves."
Sam glanced at Jason, then at Silas to make sure Tyra's hand was definitely concealing the view. Not that she particularly minded. It had felt like a lifetime since anyone had seen her naked. There hadn't been anyone since Tim. She stood up, setting her empty bottle down before she unbuttoned her jeans and nearly tore her shirt in her haste to get it off. She gave Jason an amused look. It really wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. She still didn't regret that night. It had been nice. "Alright, lady and gents, here I go. Let's just hope it ain't anyone I know. Doesn't Saracen do the rounds these days?" Sam asked as she took the money out of the pocket of her jeans. She was kind of hoping answering the door naked would score them free pizza.
Tyra gave her a thumbs up with her free hand, leaning in to suck on Silas' earlobe briefly so he didn't feel completely left out. "Last chance t'see her naked. Speak now, or forever hold ya peace."
"I don't want to see her naked." Silas wasn't sure if it was a lie, but he figured it was the safest answer. It wasn't like she was hard on the eyes, but he wasn't confident enough to think he would actually have eyes left if he looked. And anyway, naked chicks, he could just look at porn. "I just have a strange urge to deliver pizzas."
Jason sniggered, watching Silas blindly manage to smoke his joint and drink his beer. He was definitely going to fit into Dillon, or at least fit in with the Dillon crowd. It wasn't like Tyra was going to take five steps back and return to Dillon when she had college in Austin. "If it's Saracen, just be thankful he ain't with his grandma or you'll get a lecture about being a clean little lady."
"Wish me luck," Sam said with a nervous look as she tucked her hair behind her ears and almost skipped up to the door in her burst of adrenaline. She could feel all eyes - except Silas' - on her, and just hoped her ass wasn't looking too bad. She gave it a slight wiggle before opening the front door and waiting for the delivery boy to turn around as she cleared her throat. Luckily it wasn't Matt Saracen otherwise she probably would have made the poor boy collapse. As it was it was some pimply looking kid Sam didn't recognise. And she was hoping like hell she never served him in the supermarket.
"Ah..." The boy didn't seem able to form words, and Sam just continued to smile sweetly.
Tyra watched over Silas' shoulder as she kept her hand over his eyes and her tongue on his ear. "I'm thinkin' we gotta get ya a costume too when we go t'the sex shop. Ya can deliver pizzas t'me anytime ya want."
Sam raised her eyebrows expectantly. "Ya got pizzas for us?" The boy nodded. "How much do I owe ya?" The boy just shook his head as he shoved the pizzas at her and turned to run away. "Well, alright then... Have a good night!" Sam kicked the door shut now her hands were full of pizza, and came back into the room, grinning triumphantly. "I'm gonna answer the door naked more often. Although I ain't sure I like the fact he ran away."
"Maybe he's gay?" Silas piped up from behind Tyra's hand with a shrug. He finished off his beer and then the joint, and dropped the butt into the empty bottle. "Or blind? Or blind and gay? Maybe that myth about masturbation is true. He went blind jerking off too much. Or maybe he's a Morman. Or a gay Morman? Blind gay Morman. A vegetarian?" he suggested.
Jason was watching Silas and then shook his head with an amused snort. "Dude, are you ADHD? Do you need a shot of Ritalin or something?" He smirked up at Sam. "Lucked out, huh? No Saracen?"
Sam shook her head. "Nope, no Saracen. Kinda glad, kinda not." She dropped the boxes on the table and picked up her clothes to put them back on. "Still, my dare is complete. I think maybe it should be ADHD boy's turn," she smirked as she flopped back down on the sofa and huffed out a breath. "Gettin' naked is kinda exhaustin'."
Tyra dropped her hand away from Silas' eyes finally and ruffled his hair. "Which is why I'm thinkin' the nudist lifestyle is the way t'go. Think about it... no takin' ya clothes on and off. No worryin' if anythin' fits. Just bein' naked twenty-four-seven."
Jason scrunched his nose up and leaned forward to open the top pizza box. "Pass. Nothing could convince me to be a damn nudist. Not even before all this shit. Where's the mystery and the intrigue? The chase and catch of getting to know something in that way? All out the window if you're just naked from the get-go. And where would that possessive feeling be? That you get that part of that person all to yourself?"
Silas nodded and pointed. "Seconded. Even if I do think the occasional streak is sometimes called for in the right circumstances. Or walking naked around the house when you're home alone. That's cathartic, even if I always seem to get caught in the act," he said with a shrug. He looked in at the pizza, but didn't reach for any yet. He settled on a can of coke instead.
"Mm... good point," Tyra agreed as she pointed at Jason. "For a moment there I forgot what it was like t'have that possessive feelin'. I like somethin' that's just mine, and mine alone. I'll fight tooth and nail with anyone that tries t'get a look in." She managed to stay balanced on Silas' lap as she reached out for pizza.
Sam spread her fingers as she faced her palms outwards, waiting for a moment before she grabbed a slice of pizza. "Well, as much as I would love t'be possessive over a certain ex-footballer's body, it just ain't so right now. I think just about every girl in Dillon's seen what he's got. Most of the mothers, too. And some poor kid just caught a glimpse of me, so I guess no one's gettin' possessive over me, either. I miss knowin' someone's gonna punch someone else's lights out for copin' a perve."
"You were too possessive and it got you up the shit," Jason said blatantly, knowing he could be straight to the point with her. "I think after everything, possessive is just fine right now having a holding on the shelf. You might not have punched his lights out, or her lights out, but you screamed at him and there were consequences. Nuff said. And that's not the sort of possessive I was meaning anyway. Just that entitlement that you don't have to share that part of them, I ain't talking about punching anyone's lights out because you think someone else wants them."
Silas flicked quietly at the ring on his soda can. "We stumbled back into the awkward, didn't we? Can we have a chart on the wall of all the topics that are no-go zones? Just for future reference? Even if I happen to think you all need to talk about this, even half-pissed and half-high. We could all cry and have a group hug? We can solve this without violence and we all get to keep our lights on."
Sam gave a shake of her head. "No, it's fine. I don't mind talking about it. J's right. I did get too possessive. Guess it happens when ya want someone for so long then finally get 'em. Ya kinda lose ya head 'cause ya built it up for so long..." Sam shifted on the sofa as she felt a surge of emotion rise in her throat. She held the pizza in one hand as she got up to disappear into the kitchen and bring back another six pack to dump on the table. "I think I'm gonna need t'be more than half-drunk, though."
"I was still talkin' about not sharin'," Tyra said as she raised her eyebrows. "I just will still fight for that part of 'em. I ain't good with sharin'. Never have been." She shrugged, and glanced at Silas. They hadn't exactly covered whether they were together-together or not. There were future plans, a list, and talk of costumes. Did that mean they weren't sharing with anyone else?
Silas was oblivious to her thoughts and just smiled up at her, happy that the conversation didn't take another awkward dive. He did still get a feeling Jason's mood kept wavering, but it wasn't like the guy didn't warn them of the fact. He looked at some of the photos on a nearby shelf, noticing some with a petite blonde, who must be Jason's ex. It had to be poignant if the photos were still there and Silas couldn't help but wonder if she was easily contactable. Sometimes people could be too close to a situation to be able to help much. "Jealousy can lead to really crap things like assault and murder. Just saying..." he felt the need to offer. He could be as jealous as the next person, for sure, but he had also been around a lot the darker side the world had to offer too.
Jason finished the joint reluctantly and stubbed the butt out in the plate. None of them smoked cigarettes, so there weren't ashtrays lying around. Jealously hadn't even really come into it with him and Mac. Other issues took over. Insecurities and fear, more like. "Got anymore, Silas?" he asked without hesitation. "I'll pay."
Silas shook his head and took out the bag of weed, followed by a pack of roll papers. "My treat," he said and set to work quickly and expertly rolling some fresh joints.
Word Count | 10,909