Apr 08, 2003 21:53
all that hype for one night and it's over. well i'm sort of relieved in a way. 3 years of hearing form the girls how bad of a job us guys are gonna do on prom (the class officers have been me and 3 other guys for the past 3 years). all we've heard from the seniors is how much we suck too since like last year, so i'm glad we had a good prom. i had a great time with liz! she's a good dancer and i think she felt pretty comfortable..she looked awesome! i got a lo tof the pictures already cause my mom took a bunch on the digital camera. haha liz i like the one where i'm standing behind u...u know what i'm talkin bout. dinner was good cept i ate too mcuh to dance on and my stomach felt kinda weird all night. afterwards we drove round in the limo, dropped some peopel off, then went back to ken's house. the girls kinda fell asleep for part of the time so me and ken were just kinda chillin watchin spider man. i was tired as hell cause i took SAT's that morning, and had 2 basketball games that afternoon. at 5 am ken took mandy home (it was 4 to us) and came back. the 3 of us went upstairs and chilled for a while. i won't get in to details on liz's behalf (nothing sexual or anything don't get the wrong idea). the next day seemed like it didnt' happen cause we didnt' wake up till like 3 and i was so tired all day. back to school in the dark mornings and light nights...weird. well i'm still not caught up with my sleep after prom and it's tues. so ima hit the sack. i'm off like a dress on prom night.