just a regular day

Apr 01, 2003 22:21

for being april's fools day today wasn't all that fun. it seems like back in the day peple used to try and play gay pranks on each other which was cool...everybody just seems to forget now. i think we're all glazed over and mellow as soon as we enter the school's doors nobody really cares. anyways i guess my day wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. i forgot bout the nhs meeting which was a problem because we were electing officers and i'm running for an office...oh well. i took a practice ib math test and a practice ap enviro tests which were both very hard. we'll see bout those when it comes time. the rest of the day was big ballin. i went to the gym and got swoll with liz and joe...we worked our abs pretty well today. liz- i know ur ass is gonna be hurtin tomorrow from those squats. afterwards liz and i wento to chili's and to barnes and noble. tiem flies when i'm with her i never seem to be with her long enough. u know it's funny i never used to say stuff like that until i met liz...either she made me a fag or i'm just crazy bout her...ima go with choice b. well i'm spent ima hit they hay. adios.
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