Interview with the Moraless.

Mar 03, 2006 22:49

The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

As interviewed by

Describe the perfect weekend, where money and scheduling is no problem, including for any people you might want to share the weekend with

1. A big beach house on the ocean at the Cape. Room enough for everyone. We all dress in summer casuals, the house dressed in pale blues and white linens. Bonfires and BBQs every night with walks on the beach under moonlight in oversized sweatshirts and colorful saraongs. The house would be more glass than wood with huge windows and french doors with billowing white curtains, everything left open all day, all night to catch the breeze and let the roar of the surf roll in and out. Some windows have seat long enough to sleep in, in case there is a grey day good enough to leave you inside with a drowsy book. Food stocked in the kitchen is everyone's favorite, and is come and go as you please.
And of course, a large grassy field right next to the house so all the horses who spend the weekend with us can a have a vacation after they lend their energy to a sunrise gallop or two.

How have you changed in the past two years?

2. I have realized who I am, who I have been and who I want to be. At the very least, I know who I do not want to become. I have become something that I wanted to be when I was little.

What do you think (romantic) love really means, in both abstract and practical terms?

3. Abstractly, love is something between two people that sounds cliche no matter how you describe it, but it means everything to the people who share it. You can't actually know what it is until it's ripped you apart. Love lets you like someone so unconditionally, so reverently that you can let the rest of the world disappear for awhile. Practically, two people who are in love are best friends who finish each others' sentences and know how the other is feeling in a glance. It's the most basic and deepest of all connections between two people. It's something to exist for.

What’s the meanest (or the nicest) thing you’ve ever said to anyone?

4. "This is bullshit, and you know it. I can't stop making excuses for you and I hate you for it. Fuck you."

Say you became ruler of the world. What outfits would you don? What about your second in command, and his/her outfit? Whom would you immediately throw in prison?

5. As ruler I would don formalwear for daily routine. While I would naturall keep up with the latest trends, I would hope that I would still retain a sense of my own style and prehaps start a few trends of my own. I would wear a strip, sash, badge or ribbon of white with whatever I wear to signify my position. However, for state occasions I would require a full wardrobe of period Georgian attire, complete with corsets, powdered wigs, and dainty slippers. My staff (with the exception of the Second in Command) will be required to wear (at all times) formal business attire, along with the corresponding colors (sash, badge, etc.) of office. For state occasions White-Tie would be the order of dress.

My second in command would be required to wear whatever he/she chooses, provided that the royal blue sash (badge, etc.) of office is visible at all times. Georgian attire is also a must at state functions.

As for the throwing in prison: I honestly don't know. I would definately have some people romoved from positions of power and authority immeadiately, but I'm not so sure about prison sentences. Obviously criminals and terrorists would go first, but it's the figuring out who the hell they are that's the problem. Although I suppose as the Ruler of the World, that wouldn't be much of an issue for me.
This is a really tough question, I keep trying to answer and then get bogged down in ethics and morality.
Damn human emotions.

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