Sep 14, 2009 19:21
So...I got a job offer today..I start tomorrow...holeeeeeecrap I am nervous but not worried about it. It is something I know...KNOW I can do. It's with a small catering outfit. The guy called me back less than two hours after he interviewed me. I report tomorrow morning at 8 in the AM. That's fast, but I'd rather dive right in than wait. I am excited about this. It is exactly the kind of gig I wanted, and that's amazing after all this time. Hopefully this will mean a fresh burst of creativity too. Half my problem has been depression over the whole job market mess. We shall see how this goes, but I have such a good feeling about this.
*HUGE GRINS*.....I Can Haz JOB!
Also...... MUSE...Uprising..need I say more!?