Nov 28, 2011 00:56
For the past week or so, I've had a nagging, ache-like pain in my chest, one that sits fairly consistently centerline. The symptoms of heart trouble aren't there otherwise, and it could even possibly be respiratory to some degree; What worries me is twofold; I work in a very old building with quantities of asbestos, and some areas have severe moisture problems, with probable mould growths to go with. There's really no getting away from it, I can't switch jobs (I don't even dare, in today's economy; I'm paid enough to live on despite the exorbitant rent in this area), and there's not much management can really do about any of these issues. I'm honestly hoping it's just stress, and winter adjustment of an asthmatic to colder air.
Still, there is that nagging worry that something rather more severe is ongoing.