Nngh. Conflict of philosophy!

May 25, 2011 14:48

So. I took a look downstairs a few minutes ago while running the recycling out, and what do I find on the community bulletin? An NDP candidate nomination flyer. Good. I like the NDP. Glad to see them active here. However, like any conscientious citizen in a democratic society *should*, I researched my potential candidate before proceeding further.

Now I'm not at all sure I want to even consider nominating this person, never mind actually vote for them. Their positive characteristics are fine; She's listed as a university lecturer, and she has a minor educational background. Then things take a straight curve into woo-woo land. Another positive characteristic is that she's a "lay chaplain". Personal policy, I will not vote for a minister; The church and the state really ought to be separate at all times. A personal website presented as the candidate's information page. No mention of candidacy, or the desire to be nominated for the NDP on that site, either. It's just a site selling labyrinths as some magical spiritual or intellectual cure to tension.

Not reassuring. On the one hand, I want to believe that someone with university work listed to her credit is a solid intellectual who will do what's right for the educational system and uphold NDP socialist policy. On the other hand, what she's presented as background information is chock full of New Age woo, and highly unprofessional. Damnit. For once, can we just get a candidate who is sane, moderate, and theologically neutral?
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