{APPLICATION} @ discedo

Nov 29, 2010 01:39

Name: Syd
LJ: uncouth
E-Mail: underdesea@gmail.com
IM: selkiekeke @ AIM
Characters played at Discedo: not applicable

Character's Name: Veser Amaker Hatch
Series: Hanna is Not a Boy's Name
Timeline: What point in canon are you bringing your character from? A certain chapter, anime episode? PLEASE provide a chapter or episode number if possible.
Canon Resource Link: Wikipedia, fanshrines, etc.; just something to give us a feel for the character if we're unfamiliar with them. This is as much for mod reference as it is for you, so the more information, the better! If there isn't enough information on another site, then you can write a summary or any additions you wish to include in this section as well. This would include details on the character's history or any clarifications you wish to make.
Personality: Who is your character? What do they act like? What motivates them, what goals do they have, what are they like? What is it that makes them who they are? Strengths, weaknesses, goals, specific traits, passions, motivations and other similar things can all go in this section. Anything that lets us know who your character is as a person. Please give us AT LEAST a few paragraphs explaining their personality to us, and please be thorough! More information is better. Please also note that while history can affect a person's personality, a character's history SHOULD NOT go in this section. If you wish to include important details about their history, please use the CANON RESOURCE LINK section!
Powers & Abilities: What makes your character unique? Any sorts of powers, such as magic and summoning counts here. What other traits can they offer, like intelligence, speed, and personal strengths? This doesn't have to be too detailed, but it should outline the basic and important details. It can be presented in list format if you prefer.
What items will they be bringing with them? This covers weapons, and anything else of importance on their person. Anything goes, but the moderators will approve or decline items on a case-by-case basis.

Third-Person Sample: Three hundred words AT LEAST, please. Mods will be running a word count on all applications! Third person is what we will be seeing in logs from the character, in discedo_logs. In addition, the third person sample is where the moderators look for character personality and introspection, motivation, goals, things like that. Please keep this in mind when writing your third person sample. Samples do not have to be set in Discedo! Please keep good grammar, spelling and punctuation in mind for this sample. If it does not come across as readable, clear or cohesive, we may need to ask for an additional sample.
First-Person Sample: Ten sentence minimum. (While we are lenient on the ten sentence rule and will allow actions to count, we must require that at least half of the requirement, or five sentences, be complete sentences, either spoken or written.) First person is what we'll be seeing in the character's personal journal (or, alternately, a post on the Discedo network; this can be done through voice, text or video). Samples do not have to be set in Discedo! This is where the moderators look for how well an applicant has grasped a character's voice through the way they speak: the character's mannerisms and speech patterns, the way they talk, the things they say, how they're worded, things like this are taken into consideration.

Links: A section where you can provide links if you have played the character before. This section is optional! If you have links, please make sure that they support your app, and please make sure that the journal used links back to you somehow. We recommend having your username somewhere in the character's bio.
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