Dec 12, 2008 11:24
It is never easy to say goodbye to a loved one. My grandfather has been sick for some time, but that still did not make it easy to hear on Wednesday that he had passed away. I realize that there were some rough spots in our relationship and I didn't get to know him as well as I would have liked because of distance, but I liked what I knew of the old guy. I feel most sorry for my dad because it was his dad and he died the day after his birthday. Not good.
On the other hand life in the Skyline house has been interesting and sometimes stressful the last few months. Zane has 6 teeth now and is almost a year old (wow, that flew by). He loves the word no (especially shaking his head back and forth) animals, and his friends at daycare. And, of course, he loves his mommy and daddy. He gets to go for his first plane ride for Christmas, we will see how that goes.
Some recent romantic developments, but not ready to talk about those yet...
All in all, life is good...even with the occasional bleh that happens.