Let go of all ideas.

Oct 01, 2005 12:09

I want to love the person you are, not the idea.

When I met my now ex-husband, I was really young, I was 15 to be exact. I knew that first night I wanted to be with this man, the man who had proposed to me before even knowing my name. Little did I know that four years later we would be married.

I had fallen for this young man, I had fallen for the person he was that night at a "party" in my Father's old shop, that my soon to be ex-step brother had turned into his bedroom.

I didn't realize that I had taken him,and fit in into an idea of who he was. For those first three years he lived up to that idea, and added to it. Years later he had started to stray from my vision of who he was, he started to grow and change. I was excepting of it at first, but sometimes had wished for the old "T" to come back. Of course that is a silly wish, every one changes.
He started to change very drastically from the man I knew, or was it just harder for me to hold on to that idea? At times this idea was all I had left to hold onto. I think that why I stayed as long as I did, just holding on, hoping.

After years of heartache I realized he was no longer the person I had made him. And many times I went back to him, forgetting all the bad and only remembering that person I had created and held up high. It was devastating. I held onto to a worthless dream, and it was thrown against the wall time and time again, to be beaten and broken.

I guess what I am trying to say is I want to love the people in my life for who they are, not the idea of who they seem to be. Only then will hearts not be broken, when we can set aside these ideas, and love anew each and everyday.

Inspired by a quote of one of my closest, dearest friends.

rants and ramblings

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