My need for perfection... I know, can drive those around me crazy.
It is not intensional to press this on others,it just comes out at times.
With myself though, if I see something that, I know, deep down inside I can do better...well that is a different story all together.
It is like fingernails on a chalkboard, or like a blemish you just can't stop looking at and/or messing with. My mind stops seeing everything around that one thing, and focuses on the thing that is "off".
If I can make it better I will do my damnedest to make it right, but sometimes we just have to let it go, lets things be as they are. Sometimes the is no such thing as perfection. This is my lesson, this is my challenge.
I finally got the print by Ursula that I had been waiting for!!! But lets just say, it took me quite sometime to get the mat right on that damn thing, I saved a bunch of money doing it myself, about 40 to 60 bucks!! Ok, I had to cut the mat a few times, but I still saved money on the frame job, and I can say that it is very close to Well, maybe a hair under a 32th off, but hey I'm not machining jet parts! *phew* thank Goodness!!!