Yay! Lambs are being born! Here is the first lamb of the year. I think I want to call her Ivy.
I keep waiting for a hen to come out with chicks...
We went to a party the other day. Here is Alice dressed up for it.
That is her normal teenage expression these days. sigh.
Cooking and housecleaning take a lot of time! I find I haven't as much time to fiberArt as I would like. I did devote some time yesterday to more quilt squares for the Glitter friendship quilt, though.
I am pretty calm with spending all this time on these quilt blocks, the only rub being that as soon as they are finished, they get shipped out, and there is naught to show for it at my place but some scraps... and these photos.
Everything else has been on hold more or less. Zaftig still sits as I left her a week ago, as do a number of projects in various stages of completeness. I keep reminding myself that this is a year to clean up old projects. I won't stop til the loose ends are tied up. You can hold me to that!
Update on the yarn store idea: I have decided that it is much wiser for me to stay focused on my current goals (of cleaning up and finishing up) rather than go off on some tangent, as viable or legit as the tangent may be. There is time for all this, and if there isn't, well, I will have lived a full life, right?
So here are some of my homemade pickles. Surplus from a friend's garden last year. All I had to do was pick and pickle. I got to go in and glean about once a week.
I filled maybe 2/3s of a five gallon bucket with produce, and then I brined the lot. Have I told you all this? Well, there's a pic.
Okay, folks, no philosophy today, but plenty of eye candy.