Jan 10, 2012 14:12
I wasn't planning to take off any time for these, though I ended up burning a vacation day for sick time just after Christmas (it snuck up on me; I had just thought I was blowing my nose a lot). Anyway, I had a nice time both weekends:
For Christmas Eve, I went to a friend's party in DC. We ended up playing Trivial Pursuit until we started giving each other clues so we could finish the game. :-) Christmas afternoon, I went to another friend's party where I finally got to play Monkey Arena (up to 6 monkeys enter; one leaves) that I had bought a few years ago, and then we played Quiddler (sort of Scrabble with cards). Over the weekend, I also read Martha Wells' *The Cloud Roads* fantasy that lcohen had pointed out was free for Kindle. She'd been raving about Wells and I have a Kindle app on my Touchpad (HP webOS tablet), so I gave it a try and now give it a thumbs up (similar in some ways to McCaffrey books (flying, intrigue, romance). Also, read a bunch of Louis L'amour, most pretty good (well-researched Westerns with imagery and action, some also thinky).
Posted via LJ for WebOS.